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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Presents for me!

Day 28-Thursday (1st December)
Have to clean and change the dressing on scar number 2 today. I'm a little freaked out by what I may see! Ok, not too bad. Steri-strips still in place and blood is dried. There is, however, an obvious lump where the portacath is. I think Dr Salti may have been lying when he said "you will be able to feel but not see it"! Oh well it's not like I have a cleavage to show off anymore anyway so high neck lines it is!

Get my outfit sorted for the rugby tomorrow. Tricky to find tops to wear as I don't like anything rubbing on the portacath and I can't wear a bra! Today I am wearing the famous sun dress again with the strap down!

Malika loves 'BBB'! He was woken by her jumping on his bed and licking him! She is such a flirt! She loves male visitors and the taller they are the better! At our old apartment we had a neighbour who was an ex-marine. This guy was huge and Malika used to go shy every time she saw him! She would sit at his feet and offer him a paw whilst coyly looking up at him!

Through the Beating Bowel Cancer facebook page I have been introduced to a very brave lady 'R'. She has an incredibly sad story but continues to fight and stay positive. At a difficult time in her own life she writes me messages of encouragement and has sponsored Tom in his run. An old colleague of mine 'L' has helped me put 'R' in touch with a surgeon who can potentially save her life. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for this amazing lady and her family. Today's song is for 'R'…..

Have two visitors today- 'Smiley knee' and 'A'. Had such fun and so glad they came to visit. They make me smile and have brightened up my day! They also brought lovely flowers, delicious cup cakes and two tops for me. I'm very lucky to be spoilt this much.

Did some Christmas shopping with mum- well mum bought me and Matt presents! Just have to drop in that I was a size 6 in the skinny jeans! Also went back to the restaurant overlooking the ski slope. We had a glass of Prosecco to cheers Christmas shopping! Then met Matt and 'BBB' at Barasti for dinner and had a glass of wine! Won't be drinking much when chemo starts so a little bit of 'letting my hair down' now!

With 15 minutes to go until 'the boys' arrive I was wheeled to the taxi rank! Mum and I arrive home and notice that in his excitement to leave the house Matt has left the front door unlocked and a jar of chocolate on the side! Somehow we have not been robbed (suppose it is Dubai after all!) but miraculously Malika did not eat the food on the side! Her record is 9 snickers and 5 ripples in one go when we didn't shut the cupboard properly! She is a pooch after my own heart!

Now mum and I are both feeling sick- is it dehydration from the alcohol and lack of water today or is it the fish we have both eaten for dinner?! Hope it's not the latter as feel scar number 2 may not hold up too well. So we are off to bed to see what happens! Will let you know in the morning!

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