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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sad day

Day 30- Saturday
Last chemo free day. Went to Nero's for breakfast and then food shopping! Last meal tonight is a chicken curry-OBVIOUSLY! Stocked up on blackberries, carrots and Ferrero Roches- all the good things your body needs!

The fundraising is going well. Have over 1300 pounds on my just giving account and Tom has over 300 on his race sponsorship page. Thank you to everyone who has donated- very generous.

Mum heads round to the pool for her afternoon off. Also gives Matt and I some 'alone' time. To cut a long story short Matt falls asleep for an hour or so, so I'm left bored with nothing to do! Who says romance is dead! When mum gets in we dye my hair- last time for 6 months! Last ditch attempt to get rid of the grey!

Been trying to think of a list of positive thoughts so I can read them when I am having bad days.
· Chemo is my friend!
· Every day is a step closer to the end
· Every bad side effect of chemo is the cancer leaving my body
· I will not be beaten
· I am surrounded by my friends and family who are supporting me and pushing me on
· What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
· "talk of better days that are yet to come"-Oasis
· "I have just slipped down the snake and now I have to look forward to the big ladder" – Cousin 'S'

Speak to two of my cousins and their children. Children and their songs and dances are always a good distraction! I love that through skype, even though living thousands of miles away, I can see the kids grow up. Definitely makes living abroad easier. Also speak to best friend 'S'. She is having a few people round to her flat for Christmas drinks- mulled wine and cider. I would do anything to be there right now, pretending that none of this is happening.

We watch 'My sister's keeper' and have a good cry. Not as much as I would have liked as was hurting the portacath site! Feeling stressed, tired and emotional. Sad that this is happening to me. Worried about what tomorrow will bring. Worried that my body hasn't healed from the first two ops and now I am going to try and kill it from the inside. Worried about getting a taxi home if I'm being sick. Worried that I am going to forget what it feels like to be normal. Mostly worried that my life is not going to be under my control for the next 6 months. But in the words of Matt's favourite band…………

1 comment:

  1. You can do this Laura, chin up and look forward to killing this cancer. We are all behind you. There are more people following you and supporting you then you will ever know. L xxx
