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Sunday, December 11, 2011

A day of points

Day 38- Sunday
Up at 7am when Matt goes to work. Decide I need to get on with my work today so make a cup of tea (Earl grey, have gone off the usual green tea at the moment) and get started. I have never known so much about bra sizes and big boobs! In fact today's song is included for two reasons. 1) the line "the big bosom lady.." and 2) this is my favourite Rod song. The chorus has the most beautiful words and always makes me think of Matt.

Mum and I head to Ikea. I want to redecorate our bedroom so it is nice for when I am lying in bed on chemo days. This annoys Matt as every time I change the colours I buy more cushions and he hates cushions on the bed. He doesn’t seem to appreciate that they look nice and it doesn’t matter if they are comfortable or not! Also find material for new blinds in the lounge but annoyingly out of stock until after Christmas. This winds me up! I am a person, that once I have decided on something, I want things actioned immediately! Anyway will have to wait but at least we buy mum a sewing machine in preparation! Now before you all think I am a complete madam and feel sorry for my 'slave' mother, mum loves making things so this project excites her!

Tom and Tash skype. Lovely to speak to Tash. Hear stories of my brother throwing up in my mum's car and missing nights out with his friends because of hangovers! He is re-enacting his Uni days with mum being out of his hair! Although, my precious little brother is still being 'looked after' with Dad buying him food and paying for a cleaner whilst mum is here. I think everyone forgets he is 24 years old with a full time job and pension!

Had an 'Andy from Little Britain' moment today! When we arrived at Festival City we only had a 500 dirham note to pay the taxi driver. After the driver got my wheelchair out of the car, I thought it would be quicker if I walked inside to buy a drink and get change. I slowly shuffle in to find the first two places I try don't have change either. End up walking around for nearly 10 minutes before returning to the taxi. Then get 'put' in my wheelchair and wheeled back in by mum! People definitely noticed!

Being in a wheelchair in Dubai is very hard though. "Sure ,right" I hear you say! "What can be hard about being pushed around?!" There are a number of points to my answer (points seem to be a common theme to today's blog!).
1) People stare. Now I understand this as you do not see many people in wheelchairs in Dubai so people are obviously curious. Especially when I look 'normal'- debatable I know!
2) Wheelchair access is unpredictable in Dubai. I very often have to 'jump out' of my chair to get up/down a curb. Just as well my legs work!
3) People do not move out of the way. Quite often we have to ask people to move or actually go around them. Now I don't understand this. If I see someone coming towards me in a wheelchair or pushing a pram I will alter my path to make things easier for them. This just doesn't happen very often here
4) People with perfectly functioning bodies use the lift so you can't fit in with the wheelchair. THERE ARE STAIRS! And if you are feeling really lazy THERE ARE ESCALATORS!
5) Mum 'leaves me' in annoying places, like facing a shelf of towels, whilst she looks around!
6) You can't look at the things you want to look at, at the speed you wish to look at them! Although I think Matt uses this point to hurry up a shopping trip!
7) It does make your bum sore and your back stiff! Shouldn't really moan though, as I'm sure it is worse for the person pushing!

However, in general, my wheelchair has been a god send. The malls in Dubai are so big that if I was walking I would probably only last half an hour, and that's no kind of shopping! My walking is getting much better now. I can stand up straight and tall (well, unless I have been sitting for a few hours, and then it takes me a few minutes to stretch out!), I can walk at a moderate speed and I don't get too tired. Over the next few days I am going to introduce some gentle exercises. I am not 'allowed' to exercise properly until 6 weeks post the abdominal surgery but I'm thinking some gentle pilates and light arm weights may come in useful. Especially with my rugby- playing –man- sized appetite!

Talking of food, I just had a salad of 'superfoods' carrot, beetroot and pomegranate for dinner. Does that balance out my two course lunch, 1/4 pack of Pringles and bar of hazelnut chocolate?! I know I have to look after myself better. I need only healthy food to support my weakened- by- chemo body! I will get good but I'm thinking the New Year is a good starting point! Maybe my body is craving 3000 calories and lots of salt and sugar! It could be!!!

On a positive note, I have done 3 poos today!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura,
    Have been following your progress - well done on the 3 poos :-)
    Am just wondering why you not supposed to do any exercises for 6 weeks - is that their routine ?

    All the best
    (Mary - ret'd physio)
