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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lexi the dolphin

Day 56- Thursday
We head to the palm early this morning. Mum and I pay extra to watch Tom & Holly with the Dolphins. For one of their Christmas presents from Mum they got a dolphin experience. Holly was really excited and I think secretly Tom is a bit scared!

Lexi their dolphin is so cute. They get to stroke her, hold her, Holly danced with her, Tom threw her a ring to retrieve and they both kissed her. Although she refused to kiss Tom the first two times! Got some excellent pictures, which is just as well as they were charging a fortune to buy theirs. Who remembers this?.......

Bit disappointed with Atlantis waterpark. You have to walk miles to get anywhere, the food is bad and the toilets were really dirty and smelly. Reported the dirty toilets twice and they were still not cleaned. I had to stand up and hold my nose at the same time. Will not be going there again. Wild Wadi all way from now on.

On arrival back home Malika has eaten Matt's hoodie. All for a packet of chewing gum in the pocket! Someone will either be sick later or have trouble going to the toilet! We only brought it for him last week as she ate his last one before Christmas! She is so naughty!

We are now playing 'u sing' on the wii. We are not a family of good voices and somehow I am winning! Friends back home will not believe this! In fact the game rates me as a performer!

Have a lovely evening out with some family friends at Barasti. We have been there loads recently. The live band are really good and although we all had dinner before we got there we have another dinner and I even have pudding! It all starts in the new year- healthy diet all the way!

Day of rest tomorrow- can't wait.

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