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Friday, December 9, 2011

And she is back!

Day 36- Friday
And she is back in the game- just, but definitely stepping up! Yay I wake and feel 'OK', what a vast improvement. In fact, we decide to leave the house , quickly, in case the plan is changed. I only have one slight dip in energy after my bath but with mum looking like she is going to an Oscar awards ceremony and me in my 'baggy' (!) skinny jeans we head to the Mall.

We have lunch in the now famous restaurant overlooking the ski slope, mainly so mum can have a drink and then we head to Carrefour. Now I can never get Matt into Carrefour at the weekend so you know he is being extra kind at the moment. Things get tense when we lose mum so we abort as quickly as possible.

We bump into Matt's work colleagues "H' and 'S". They recommend a Christmas fayre in a different shopping centre. So we head home first to watch a Christmas film and have a snooze. Although I snooze on the way home, so by the time we reach home I am wide awake and Matt has a snooze instead! We watch 'Polar Express'- a little bit scary and then the classic 'Miracle on 34th Street'. Matt's school is on 34th Street and I always mention this film to remember the address! We then head to the fayre. We buy a few pressies and it's nice to just be out of the house.
A song to get us all in the mood…………..

I cannot stop eating at the moment! They told me you put on weight with chemo and it's no wonder. Every time I have nausea it helps if I have a little something to eat. The problem is I have been feeling nauseous pretty much 24/7! It ranges from craving raw carrot and cauliflower with hummus (the healthy option) to Pringles and the horrible quality street left in the bottom of the tin! Tonight I had left over chicken pie for a starter and then Indian take away for main!

Scar is looking good but tummy is a bit bloated- could be the curry or the fact, miraculously, I am slightly constipated?! Have a pulling pain in my right side every time I move or breathe but trying not to worry myself with this fact at the present. I can now feel the wire coming from my portacath into the vein which is a bit disgusting.

Have another 'water' sign today. Last night our water stopped working in the house- no water from the taps and toilets wouldn't flush. This morning, still not working, Matt phoned the water company. They sent around a maintenance team and after looking in the drain they asked for the key to the water cupboard in the garage. We have a large bundle of keys that we inherited that we keep in our kitchen. We don't know what they are for so Matt headed out with a batch. He returns looking a little pale. They opened the cupboard and found the water valve had been turned off! So the valve, that has to be turned, was off and was in a cupboard that was locked with a key that was in a big bundle in our kitchen?!?!?!?!?! What can this mean? They turn the valve and all water is back on. They don't understand how it happened and nor do we. Not sure what the message is but I hope we are due a happy one.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are beginning to feel better Laura. Just FYI on those garage cupboards. I can "jimmy" mine open from the locked position without unlocking it and then shut it again. Let me know if you are on the look-out for any more videos to borrow.
