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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Day 45- Sunday
Time to kick Rooney's arse!

We had a catfish back in the UK that was so ugly we called him Rooney! He started off about an inch big and grew to about 8 inches! He was really shy and spent the whole time in his cave! We had lovely tropical fish and we even managed to have a few pregnancies and babies! Our fish now live with a lovely family back home where two little boys look after them. They agreed to look after them for 2 years, which is how long we initially thought we would be out here! Looks like they may be having them a little longer, like forever! As no plans to come home yet!

Toss and turn through the night and wake early feeling tired and nervous. Realize I have forgotten to take the ginger the last few days. This panics me slightly in case it was the ginger tablets that helped keep the nausea (just!) in control. In fact I feel I am going to become really superstitious about all my different meds and routine around chemo………….

Weigh myself and I have put on 1kg in the last two weeks. Randomly my clothes feel looser though but my boobs look slightly bigger! How good would it be if I only put weight back on on my boobs! Wishful thinking I think! Still this is probably a sign that I need to start limiting my calorie intake to a normal level and maybe just have one treat a day! Thank god the cake is finished because I was having about 3 slices a day it was so good!

So Matt brings me to the hospital. He has delayed his flight home by a few days to take me to chemo. This will be the only one he can take me to. So mum has another day off! After an hour of sitting around waiting for my blood test results to come back Matt is already bored! I did warn him! He is now entertaining himself by writing me messages on the i-pad and taking pictures of me!

Had some pain with the needle going into the portacath today. So much for the magic cream! All over in a second though. Dr 'K' comes to check on me. We discuss side effects and he may give me another med to help with the nausea. Bloods are back and blood count OK for me to be hit again today! So off we go! Pre-meds begin. Which will be followed shortly by needing the toilet, a lot!

There is a film crew in the hospital today interviewing the oncologists. The nurses have told them they can't film in here which although slightly disappointing as this could have been my chance of fame, is probably for the best as I haven't bothered with make-up today so look a bit rough. In fact my skin is terrible so trying not to wear make-up when I can. Have little pimples all over my forehead, down my checks, and around my neck. Really disgusting but nurse 'N' says chemo can do this as you body is dealing with all the horrible chemicals. Bloody chemo! Face masks seem to make it worse. The camel soap is helping to dry my now really oily skin but find I am needing to wash my face 3-4 times a day!

So bored. Matt has gone to sort out laxatives for Tom and Holly (!) and I can't reach my book! Watch mindless American celebrity reality rubbish, play solitaire and the addictive bee game on the i-pad. Run out of things to do and slowly going out of my mind! There have also been 2 cardiac arrest calls in the last 30 minutes. They announce what room it is happening in for those nosey folk that might want to have a look!

Have lunch- same menu as last week! Decide on the Arabic fish with roast potatoes, Chinese veg and spring rolls! Quite a combination! Finish with good old sticky toffee pudding! Nurse 'M' comments on my large meal but I need to make the most of not feeling nauseous! No one else in the clinic is having lunch! Oh well, there's always one!

Wees- 6 in 6 hours- not really normal considering each wee is a big one! Guess it's to be expected as I'm being pumped full of fluid and medicine. But again I seem to be the only patient who has this problem! Special weak bladder maybe?! Washing my hands the final time and the water comes out cold- causes my left fingers to get pins and needles. Passes quickly though.

Discover that Rooney scores after 52 seconds today! He is fighting back! Either that or I have some strange power of predicting goal scorers. Watch this space to see if it is fluke or magic! I have been known to be able to predict goal scorers and times of goals in the past. Years ago, when I was in my early 20's, England had a match. As I was walking past a bookies I said Alan Shearer will score in the 58th minute to my friend. Stupidly didn’t put on a bet as Shearer did exactly that! Honestly, no lie!

This may be my last long blog for the next week. Will get Matt to help me but when he goes on Wednesday it will just be mum and I. Not sure mum will be any good at typing but we may give it a go! Finally leave the hospital and get weird spasm and twitch in my right thumb all the way home- very annoying. Now I'm developing jelly legs and shakey hands. Finding it difficult to lift arms to type- lost all energy. Here we go…………….

1 comment:

  1. Hey hun, keep staying strong! Was so good to have a giggle with you and the gang at the weekend. Really looking forward to seeing you at Xmas and i'll organise something for those boards on boxing day if you're still keen xo
