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Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 50 already!

Day 50- Friday
Day bloody 50! How time flies when you are having fun?!

Wake feeling very tired. The diarrhea continues. I thought the laxatives were bad then welcome to chemo! Start to worry myself that at this rate I am going to dehydrate so I phone the oncologist on call. Told I need to eat the BRAT diet- bananas, rice, apple sauce and toast! Sounds delicious! Take Imodium and drink lots. Have to send mum out for the Imodium. Mum is surprised by the fact I don't keep a supply of Imodium at home as I am very organized with basic medicines, but as I point out, I'm very lucky with my bowels and rarely have a tummy upset!!!!!!

Couple of things from yesterday that I didn’t have the energy to write about. Mum and I watch 'Noel's presents'. I always find this programme sad and tragic but puts a whole different spin on it watching it from the cancer camp. Makes me feel panicky. Normally I sob throughout the whole thing but I think that if I start I might not stop. Watch the programme slightly on edge and pleased when it finishes.

We skype my aunty, uncle and cousin in Spain. My uncle had similar surgery to me back in the summer so we compare scars! Mine is definitely neater, well done Dr Salti! But we both have the 'valley' that makes the stomach look like a mountain side! In fact if you turn sideways the stomach looks like a bottom! He has a big bottom and I have a small one!

Tom, Holly and Pedro arrive tonight. Unfortunately I'm not well enough to pick them up. Very excited about seeing them and we will have all the Christmas lights on for them. I feel Malika is going to be wild! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas so REALLY hoping I feel better tomorrow.

Miss Matt especially when not feeling my best. Wish I could have a real snuggle and not a virtual one………

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