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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Matt's coming home

Day 55-Wednesday
Things got much worse last night. I started to feel really sick when I went to bed. Tried being sick and spent 10 minutes retching but with no luck. Mum ended up being sick twice so maybe the milk in the coffee shop was off. Then Malika starts to have diarrhea! This house! Tom and Holly have been up throughout the night and everyone is tired and anxious.

The poo-wee continues this morning so they have to sit on towels in the car. We arrive at the hospital and they get gowned up. They get given trousers with the bum cut out! I was not given this fashion option!

Let's start with Tom. To start with he was a massive baby with the cannula going in. He goes green, sweaty and thinks he is going to be sick! The nurse just laughs at him. He then confesses that the blood pressure monitor freaks him out! At the last minute the Doctor decides to take Tom in first, much to Holly's distress! As he is wheeled in he sees the equipment. Now I have told them the tube is as big as a little finger as this is what I have been told. I never actually saw the tube. Thank goodness I didn't see it as I would have been very distressed. The tube is huge- bigger than a garden hose pipe!

Tom is only in for 15 minutes. I am in charge of looking after him whilst mum sits with Holly being sedated. Tom is like an annoying drunk man- verbal diarrhea and repeating himself! He tells me 6 times in 10 minutes that the tube was as big as the rail of the bed and asks if his picture of the procedure is ready. He asks me to take a picture of him to show Tash and then I have to show him the picture 3 times as he keeps forgetting! I bribe him to sleep by promising water if he sleeps for half an hour! It works and I get some peace and quiet!

Holly is hard to sedate. They have to use extra medicine and it takes over 10 minutes. The actual procedure is quick though and she is out in 15 minutes as well. She wakes speaking Portuguese! She is really sleepy after and we leave her to it.

The results come back and they are both all clear, no polyps or sign of pre-cancerous cells. Really good news and I feel a weight being lifted. Today's song-

We are allowed home. Tom is fully awake and alert but Holly can bearly open her eyes. We have to put her in a wheelchair to get her to the car.

We are picking Matt up tonight- very excited! I nearly don't recognise him. He has more hair on his face than he does on his head! I know this beard is for a good cause but I hate it! So ugly and prickly. Matt brings presents from his family. Malika is given a Millwall dog tag. Don't find this funny as Malika is a Chelsea girl. We play a game where I sing Chelsea songs and Matt sings Millwall songs and we see who Malika goes to. She ALWAYS comes to me! I get some nice pampering presents and a voucher for a beauty treatment. Something to look forward to on a good week.

Off for a day of fun at Atlantis the Palm water park tomorrow. At least everyone will be having fun except me as I'm not allowed in the water or the sun!

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