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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Day 52- Christmas Day
Merry Christmas everyone! May you have a day filled with love and laughter.

We met up with 'R & J' last night and had a lovely evening, finished with hot chocolate in a café overlooking the Dubai fountains! Ready for Christmas now. They have a new kitten and we got to see some cute pictures. I would love a kitten but Malika would definitely eat it! Talking of Malika by the time we get home she has done the unthinkable. I know something is wrong when we open the door. She runs out trying to hide behind the car. Yep she has opened half the Christmas presents! Now I explained to everyone that we musn't put any chocolates under the tree as she is a girl after my own heart. Unfortunately a box of chocolate covered nuts was forgotten and she ripped open all presents on her way to the chocs! Well we think it was her- she did cover her toy seal in chocolate also to try and lead us off the scent! It appears she has only opened the presents from Holly so holly will be gutted when she sees. She had gone to the extra effort of putting ribbons and bows on all presents and I'm sure Malika didn't appreciate this! Oh and she opened the only present I didn't know about for me- a portable DVD player for my chemo days. Thanks mum.

Presents opened in a frenzy! Malika is soo excited! She eats her stocking, her present and then sits in the wrapping paper. She then has a mad 5 minutes and runs around the house like a lunatic dancing with Holly! Someone has too much sugar this morning! Breakfast in the garden for us this morning as the weather is perfect.

Now Christmas is a time to be thankful and I definitely have a lot of people to be thankful for this year.

Mr Munchkin (!), my darling Husband- thank you for loving me unconditionally, supporting me, looking after me, putting up with my moaning, always making me laugh, being my rock, my life

Mum- I could not do this without you. I won't ever be able to repay you or thank you enough for giving your life up to come and look after me

Tom & Holly- sorry I have put you through the stress of always having to worry about the big C. You two mean the world to me and I will do anything to look after and protect you.

Dad- I can't forgive or forget but if a good has come out of cancer it's finding our relationship again. I missed you and I'm glad you are back in my life

Tash & Pedro- keep doing what you do best- making my little bro and sis so happy

Dubai friends- you guys have made me feel so loved in the last few weeks and I know you are all standing behind me as I take on this fight. You are my family and your support is uplifting

My lovely friends and family back home- I can feel your love and positivity across the waters! I miss you all so much and it is our memories and messages that keep me going

Simon & Cathy- thank you for your supportive words, love and positivity, and for letting me borrow Matt!

Our colleagues- thank you so much for your support. You are helping to make a bad time bearable and our real lives enjoyable still

Dr Salti, Dr Khan and all the lovely surgical and oncology team- thank you for saving my life, to you I owe everything

To everyone who has donated money- you will change and save lives

And thankyou my angels who lead me to hospital.
For my nanny-
For my Granddad Tom-
For granddad squirrel –
and for Matt's Granddad I never got to meet-

Now I am off to Drink Champagne at a 5 star hotel! Gossip will definitely follow as everyone is planning on getting "wasted"- quote from Tom!

Have a lovely day x

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Laura! It sounds like you are feeling much better. Hugs, Cathy
