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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My baby bro

Day 41- Wednesday
Matt came home late last night from football having lost 9-1! Oh dear! I have been made to add that Matt set up the goal and is still the most valuable player they have! Good team spirit! I get woken early to a man moaning about a sore skid burn on this thigh. So at 6.40 this morning I am washing it with saline and applying an op-site dressing – all conveniently left over from my surgery! This burn will drive us both mad for weeks now- he will be groaning and waking me at night as it hurts to roll over!

Might as well get up now and do some work. Have a business meeting at the polo club with 'yummy mummy K'- I feel very grown up and official! Good news is I seem to be doing OK and don't get sacked!

Mum and I do the food shop today. I am in charge of the list and therefore the spending! We start by having a coffee and croissant-obviously! Ends up being expensive as I keep adding bars and bars of chocolate to the trolley and we decide to have an Arabic banquet for lunch! So now neither mum nor I are allowed to go shopping!

Spend nearly 2 hours on moonpig making cards! Love moonpig especially with living abroad. Designed Tom a really good birthday card back in October with photos of all the things he loves, including Spot the dog, Moesha (Tom's celebrity crush back in the 90's- in fact he carved her name on his desk, although he always denies this!), Liverpool FC and air conditioning units, along with Tash of course! If it had been a musical card it would have included…….
This was Tom's favourite song as a toddler. On school runs we would have to play it on repeat and he knew all the words!

My caps and sashes are ready- dad showed me on skype. They look really good. Having 25 of each brought over here to give to people fundraising for me. The fundraising is going really well, have raised nearly 2000 pounds. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far.

Speak to the lovely 'J'- catch up on work news. Arrange to hopefully go into work in January to watch 'J' with some patients to keep my brain switched on!

'E' pops round to discuss colon cancer facts as she is doing a work presentation on life changing events. I am apparently her inspiration! She is including colon cancer facts to help increase awareness and then mentioning she is running to raise money. She also mentions that whilst shopping yesterday she was in the queue waiting to pay and people kept pushing in front of the person in front of her. She was getting annoyed and stepped round to confront them only to find she was standing behind a mannequin! Hilarious! When I asked what the mannequin was wearing she said "a ski suit with goggles". Still making me laugh writing it!

Today I feel back to normal. May be helped by the fact that I am wearing a high necked t-shirt so I also look normal- no scars or portacath lumps on show! This makes me feel more positive about my upcoming chemo- have to remember there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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