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Monday, December 5, 2011

Sickness begins

Day 32- Monday
Bad bad night. Woke about 3 times an hour with nausea. Some of which was probably in my head so managed to talk myself round and go back to sleep. Was really hot but every time I took the covers off I then worried about my hands being too cold!

Woke at 6.30 feeling really sick. Have nausea tablets to take when needed but couldn't face drinking the water to go with them. Try deep breathing, pressure points on wrists, lying down. All no good end up being sick. Feel slightly better after though so take the tablet and head back to bed for 3 hours. Wake to take my other nausea meds. They needed to be taken with breakfast and I don't feel hungry. Have a few raspberries and blackberries but they taste disgusting- just like eating metal! Anyway nausea now seems to be under control.

Spoke to Tom. He has woken with sore calves. This is what happens when you don't train for an event, don't stretch after the event and run in astroturf trainers! We go through the colonoscopy procedure and Tom seems calmer than Holly!

Have a bath and dress in comfy PJs, my chemo jumper from mum, gloves and my chemo slipper socks from 'R'. Decide to watch a film called 'A little bit of heaven' with Kate Hudson. Now I was sure I had seen this before and I thought it was a comedy about a lady coming back from the dead. But NO! Turns out she is a young lady diagnosed with bloody COLON CANCER (!) who goes on to die. Not the best film for us! So now we decide on 'sex in the city' box set courtesy of yummy mummy 'K'. This should be better!

My sense of smell is all over the place. Mum ironing smells like burning, jacket potato cooking smells like bleach and I smell like chemicals. A bit like when you eat garlic and it comes out of your pores, chemo is coming out of me! Not attractive and not helping the nausea.

Mr Tetley comes round to do pad boxing with Matt. Matt feels like he has a lot of pent up aggression against the cancer so hopefully this helps him release some of it. They box in the garden and Malika spends the whole time barking and knocking on the door!

Feel so tired but the kind of tired where you can't sleep. The other weird side effect is I keep sneezing! Thank god my tummy is healed now because this would have killed a few days back! In fact, the scar is looking really good today. I have started using bio-oil and it's really helping. Maybe I still have bikini potential!


  1. Hey Laura, don't forget to try those miracle frooties to help things taste better.
    Am thinking of you always - stay strong, I know you can do this! :)

  2. Laura our thoughts are with you too. Team CAS organization is underway to support and participate in Team Mushrooms run. Kia Kaha
