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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Visitor arrives

Day 27-Wednesday
Matt was stressed last night. My brother in law was in a London hospital, actually the first place I ever worked, having a wire removed from his knee. We were waiting to hear that he was awake and everything was ok. He had a bit of a nightmare after the first op. I won't go into the embarrassing details (!) but let's just say morphine had the opposite effect on him compared to me! Matt has forgotten what the NHS is like- Doctors don't phone you to tell you the surgery is over, they don't have a bed for you if it wasn’t planned that you were staying overnight and visitors are only allowed at visiting times! We are spoilt over here.

Anyway panic over- he is fine. That's if you consider the fact they couldn't remove all the wire and they are having to drain his knee fine! Unfortunately this is what can happen when a good spinal surgeon operates on your knee! The main thing is there are good physios at that hospital and 'S' is there to cuddle him through his recovery!

Mum and I spend a few hours working on my new job. We have now given ourselves headaches trying to find the right words! Going to rope the whole family into this. My brother in law better watch out as I have a press release to write and considering this is his job and he has a week off work after the surgery, he may be getting a call! One thing is for sure, I will be an expert on D+ size lingerie by the end of this! Shame I no longer fit into that category myself!

Matt's friend 'BBB' is coming to stay for the weekend for the Dubai rugby 7s. He is working in Saudi so desperate for a drink! Matt is really excited and I think it will give him some much needed distraction. There are a few things planned including a boy's night out on Thursday. Mum and I have been invited to dinner with them at Barasti at 6.30 (!) and then we have to leave! Matt loves Barasti- laid back venue on the beach where you can wear shorts and get Magners! I think they are planning Wild Wadi, a water park, and ski Dubai tomorrow! Just as well I can't go to Wild Wadi as I seem to injure myself every time! There is a new ride that is like a plug hole and I managed to hit my nose on my knee the first time and got whiplash the second time! Dangerous!

Wound has re-opened today. I have tried to patch it up with some steri-strips but a little flow of yellow continues! Just as well it's not poo though! Yep, that's right, poo coming out of your wound! Nurse 'C' told us that sometimes after the surgery I had they leave part of the wound open so 'free floating' poo can pass out! So glad they didn’t do that with me! Talking of poo I seem to be a little constipated today- not ideal. Have managed just 3 'rabbit' poos! Sorry for this detail but in my poo obsessed state this is a concern! Which brings me on to today's song………………………..

Portacath site still sore and very itchy! Hope this is a sign of healing. Can move my right arm out to the side a little but not across my body. Therefore mum had to wash my left armpit for me today in the bath!

Film tonight was 'Trusted' with Clive Owen. Really good film, disturbing but good. Amazing acting from the teenage girl. Definitely one to watch.

Today's dietary fact- new research shows a diet high in fibre from cereals and wholegrain can reduce your chances of developing bowel cancer by up to 20%. So everyone should be having 3 servings of this type of fibre a day- lots of brown bread, rice and whole grain cereals. And yes, Tom cheerios count! Need to get going with this as today I have had a slice of white bread and white pasta! Oh well, everything starts from Sunday!

Scars-2, chipped nails-7, exercise- short walk, roasted corn kernels- handfuls!

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