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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New 'do'

Day 20- Wednesday
Wake this morning with a face of spots! Don't you just love it when a face mask does that! That's why I should use nothing but camel soap!

Spent 2 hours replying to emails! Having cancer, writing a blog and trying to fundraise is a full time job! God knows how I will ever have time for patients again!

Recruits for the 10km and 3km are coming in fast. Mum has decided she is going to do the 3km even if she has to walk it! This will be hilarious so I will make sure I take lots of photos for everyone back home!

Seems many of you were concerned over the 'big cry' and your positive wishes have spurred me on. So sing along………..

Mum and I have our hair cut today. Mum has gone shorter and more flicky and I have gone more dramatic! I'm now shorter at the back but long at the front (think Cheryl Cole!!) and I love it! Just as well I know 'T' our hairdresser because the hair cut took it out of me and had to lie down and rest on her couch after! God, you can't take me anywhere at the moment!

Talking of hair, I pulled out 6 grey hairs from one small patch today! Going to dye my hair next week before chemo starts and then not again for 6 months. Could be completely grey by that stage, unless the chemo does me a favour and only the grey hairs fall out! Unlikely!

Dad sets up skype today so I talk to him from his office. Well I talk to the side of his head as he didn’t quite get the right idea about positioning the camera!

My brother has signed up for a 5km run for the day I start chemo. Only catch is he has to dress up as santa! Somebody please go along and take a picture for me! I have decided on Ryan Gosling for Tom although he would rather be Will Smith!

Yummy mummy K takes me out for a walk in my wheelchair along with baby 'E' and their cute dog. Lovely to get some fresh air and we have a nice chat. Also shows me how great it would be to have a normal dog!

Matt comes back from his training run and is allowed a bath! For the last 6 months, since trying for a baby, Matt has not been allowed a bath, to wear tight boxers or drink much! All of these things have gone out of the window for the next few months so he is delighted!

Poos- 2, wound weeping- quite a lot, swelling- large, attractiveness- 5/10 (and that's only for the non-grey hair)!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura

    I think I have just become an offical follower but I was already reading your blog. It makes me feel better and there is nothing wrong with me!

    Keep your sense of humour, keep Matt under your thumb, and keep your Mum by your side.

    Thinking of you.

    "Uncle" Phil
