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Monday, November 21, 2011

Just giving

Day 18- Monday
Get up at 5am to do a wee, 6.30am to do a poo (this now seems to be the norm! Being woken everyday between 6-7am needing a poo!) and then can't get back to sleep as mum is snoring! Not so much snoring, more of a weird whistle blowing, puffing breathing! Very annoying as feeling tired. May go back in with Matt tonight because at least I can poke him if he starts to snore!

So up early, again! Lovely day today; sun is shining, birds are singing and I am feeling positive and ready to fight after my results yesterday. Birds don't sing for long. As soon as the door is open Malika runs out barking to move them on their way. Malika HATES birds. In fact she hates all animals! Whilst Matt was back in the UK in the summer, she caught a bird, brought it in the house and played with it on her bed. I was hysterical. I hate birds (the flapping freaks me out) and I definitely don’t want them in the house. Eventually she took it out and ate it all apart from the tail! She is disgusting but having lived wild she will eat anything that moves!

Dr Salti phones to check on my weeping wound. It is much better today- starting to dry. He wants me to have a weeks course of antibiotics just in case, as I can't have any infection for the portacath surgery. So mum is sent out to go to the pharmacy and food shop in Spinneys. She is so excited to be set free for an hour I have never seen her get dressed so quickly! Today she is casual. Mum has a very strange wardrobe with her! As she packed in such a hurry and she didn't know how long she would be staying for, she has either black tie dresses or casual beach wear! So most of the time she is dolled up looking like she is off to one of our 5 star hotels for dinner rather than a mum pushing her sick kid round the mall!

Spent lots of time reading and copying messages from friends and family. Matt is printing them all off and I am making a scrap book. So nice to read the support and definitely brightens up my day. Had a lovely message from yummy mummy 'J' who's birthday it was yesterday. She has donated to Beating Bowel Cancer as she felt she "wanted to give something back". Brought a tear to my eye. So today's song choice is easy……………..

Set up a just giving account-
Just noticed I have put 'live' instead of 'life'! Oh well can't change it now so please just click on the link if you want to donate or sponsor Matt in his 10km. That’s going to annoy me now, perfectionist that I am!!! Checked and if you type 'did a mushroom save my life' into the 'sponsor a friend' search it works! Panic over! Never mind typos as long as we can raise money!

Scar is so good today I decided to leave it undressed. In fact I have a pampering session! Nails- check, bikini line- check, moustache(!)- check, facial- check. Begin to feel human again. Decide on a little leggings and dress combo- only problem is when I lift up the dress my swollen belly hangs over the top of the leggings! Lovely!

Mum escapes to the pool. Now Matt will be cross because he doesn't like me left alone and mum is not off duty until he gets home from work! So, left alone I snuggle down to watch a film. Then the phone calls begin! The phone is the other side of the room, so I have to struggle up and waddle over! My dad calls to talk about my iron on transfers with my slogan- can't get them so we opt for caps . Then my aunty 'D', my nanny and my aunty 'N' phone. Nice to hear from my family and I realize how worried they have all been back home.

I do something bad today that I had promised myself I wouldn't do. I read other people's cancer stories. Most of them depressing and they have suppressed my positivity a little. The talk of reoccurrence and spread has frightened me and I'm annoyed at myself for reading. Feel like I need to ask Dr K what my chances of success are. I hadn't considered the future, just thought get through chemo and I'll be OK. Have that exam dread feeling in my tummy now. Advice to others- don't look things up on the internet, it doesn't help! Need to remember that Dr Salti said he had operated to cure me – that's my story and only my story is important.

Our friend 'Mr Tetley' comes round with flowers. I love this guy- he is hilarious and his life is going to be my excitement for the next 6 months. Soo excited to see him, in fact, that my wound starts weeping! Mr Tetley is 'working' his way around the world, if you get my gist, and is currently looking for a Miss France, Italy or South America! His stories make me laugh and he has offered to take mum out to find a man. He has also offered to do the Oman runs with mum, which will be a great help, but as he is "not fussy about age" I am concerned mum may not be safe!!! He is a great friend and Matt's 'shoulder to cry on' when I was in hospital.

Cast allocation- Tash, my brother's girlfriend is to be played by Mila Kunis! Eva Mendes would have been my first choice, especially in Hitch, but she is too old! Tash reports she is "more than happy" with that allocation!

Fererro Roches- 6, jelly beans-hundreds, Exercise- none unless you count getting up for the phone 4 times!


  1. Just found your blog via a tri forum. I feel lucky to have found out my problems were only ulceritive colitis (weird to say lucky to have colitis i know) but things can be much worse and now my meds are balanced I lead a virtually normal life. I wish you all the best in your recovery and pray things get sorted out for you.
    best wishes

  2. That scar is looking fab, hun! Kudos to the surgeon :) We all can not WAIT to see you on Thursday. Only 2 more days!

    Training for that 10km starts tomorrow for me btw, seeing as I'm out for ladies night tonight it might be a short first run! haha


    check this out Laura - colon cancer has the best outcome! This is from todays news.

