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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Goodbye red meat

Day 26- Tuesday
Have had a terrible night's sleep. Portacath site really aching if I move my arm, back stiff from lying flat all night and major wind! Must be the medications as haven’t had wind since I was last in hospital. So today I can barely use my right arm- this will be a challenge as I am terrible with my left. Well I at least I have paracetamol to help me out!!!

On a positive the tummy scar is looking really dry today. Hopefully it has been frightened into healing by Dr Salti's threat of cutting it open if it keeps weeping! Come on wound, you can do it!

I have taken a step back in terms of independence. Without my right arm, mum had to wash my hair for me and help me put deodorant on! I did however manage to pluck my eyebrows with my left hand- amazing, can't sign my name with my left hand but can control tweezers! Having to wear a loose summer dress today with the right strap down. Just as well I live in a hot country!

Speak to my uncle 'D'. He has kindly offered to donate 1500 pounds from his company, London Concrete, to Beating Bowel Cancer, instead of sending out Christmas cards to clients. This is a great donation and a great way to save trees also!

Have my first business meeting with yummy mummy 'K'. Takes a while to find a pen that works for me to take! Well I have to be as professional as possible as I certainly don't look professional. One strap of my dress down, stooped posture, bandage on my chest, no make-up and wild hair (opted against 80's bouffant today, went for the natural dry look instead)!

We discuss what I need to do and timelines. Very excited about the challenge but concerned I may be rubbish and no help at all! I did do a marketing module as part of my human biology degree (!) so somewhere I have the answers! However that was back in 1999 before facebook and twitter! Anyway I will give it my best shot and see how we go. As long as the fatigue doesn’t hit me too hard, I have plenty of time to try and produce something. I also managed to walk to and from my meeting, with supervision (!) so that's my exercise for the day done!
So in celebration of my new job…………………….

Watched 'The Help' this evening. Great film and I highly recommend it. Think I'm going to be watching lots of films in the next 6 months so I will keep you posted!

Read today that there is a real link between colon cancer and red meat. Worked out that I was probably eating approximately 40 ounces of red meat a week- according to recent research this would have increased my chances of developing colon cancer by about 30%. So from now on red meat is not allowed, well only in small amounts and definitely non-processed. So my plan is to stop the bacon I eat every morning (!) and to eat mainly chicken, turkey and fish. Steak can be a treat once a month! So Matt is going to have to learn new dishes- no more chilli or meatballs on his nights of cooking!

So today's lesson……. Everyone ensure they are not eating more than 500g of red meat a week. Look after your colons, look after your lives.

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