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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Farewell Party

Day 21- Thursday
Yay nearly the weekend! Not that I have any concept of what day it is (have to look at the previous blog entry to know what day I'm on!) but Matt is now around for 2 days! Mum is having the weekend off. She is panicking about Christmas shopping. Normally she starts in September so this disruption has really thrown her! Don't know what I am going to do. Mum got her Christmas present and 'thank you' present from us this week- a new watch. She wanted it early so she is already wearing! Everyone else may just be getting money! Or a lovely cap or sash!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American Friends!

Meant to be snoozing today as slept badly last night and I have an evening out planned, 'T's leaving do! But I have watched 4 Masterchef The Professionals in a row instead! And written my Christmas cards in case I don't feel up to it once chemo starts. And painted nails pink, and wrapped two baby presents- so much to do!

Today's obsession is with my CEA levels-carcinoembryonic antigen. Raised CEA can sometimes be seen in colon cancer. My CEA levels pre-op were 5.8 (normal is below 2.5) and they have been tested post-op. I read that CEA levels typically return to normal within four to six weeks after successful surgical resection and they can also be used to assess the response to chemotherapy. When I see Dr Salti on Monday for my day surgery, I need to remember to ask him my post-op levels.

Matt and I have to go and get our ID cards today. A perk of being a woman in Dubai is that we have our own room in government buildings. So I get wheeled in and seen quickly and then Matt gets jumped up 85 places (!) as "my wife is very sick"! A perk of cancer! The lady who serves me is straight to the point- "sit on chair"- just as well I have cancer and don't have a disability involving my legs! Matt however, has the opposite experience. He is served by a young chap who wants to chat (and show pictures!) of the Chelsea boots he is trying to buy online from the UK! Whilst I am waiting for Matt I watch the security man hanging 'National Day' decorations- only in Dubai! No risk of crime so he can be getting on with other, more important, jobs!

We get dressed up and head over to my boss's house for 'T's leaving do. Really lovely to see everyone and catch up with everyone's news. Everyone was telling me I look well, the lighting was good (!), and that I need to stand up straight! I know that, I'm trying, but keep imagining the wound bursting open! I suppose when I work with a bunch of medical professionals I'm always going to be nagged about my poor posture and lack of exercise! They take the micky about my very early Christmas cards and then as I'm leaving I hear them all laughing about the morphine story! Not funny! Scariest moment of my life!

Cast allocation- the lovely 'J' is to be Courtney Cox. Both beautiful and 'J' shares my 'Monica-ish ' tendencies!

1 comment:

  1. Laura, let Matt know when you want to be invaded .. Autumn, Z and I are keen to come for a visit and of course make Matt run after us! :)
