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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Good news

Day 17- Sunday
7 hours after scan, results are in-ALL CLEAR! Cannot explain how relieved I am. Dr Khan phoned as the scanner had told him I was anxious. Again what amazing service. I LOVE the American Hospital. So today's song is………

OK now we can start today's blog. Couldn't concentrate earlier! The lady who did the scan was lovely and the nurse who inserted the cannula was the nurse who wheeled me down to theatre! Was nice to see a familiar face. The scanner explained in detail to me what was going to happen. I was likely to experience an intense heat in my body as the contrast was injected that may make me feel like I had wet myself! And taste of metal in the mouth. Well I had the metal taste, very strong, but luckily only felt hot in my ears! The CT doesn’t take long and it is not a full tunnel ,just a ring. Overall, not too bad an experience.

Whilst waiting for my disc we helped an upset Australian lady. Her husband had gone in for investigation after me and unfortunately had also been diagnosed with cancer. She was obviously very emotional and had only had a baby 3 weeks ago. Makes you realize that there is always someone worse off than you.

Her main concern was her husband having surgery in Dubai. But she has no worries- his surgeon, the wonderful Dr Salti! Explained the excellent service I had received and the confidence I had in the team. We exchanged numbers and she immediately text to say "that she felt like a weight had been lifted after speaking to me". What a nice feeling to help someone else. I wish her husband all the luck in the world and will definitely keep in touch with her to offer support.

Went shopping to buy more baby clothes! Two of my ante-natal patients have become yummy mummies in the last few weeks so hoping to get in some visits before the chemo starts. Mum treated me to a lovely cozy cardigan for comfort during chemo! Had to finish shopping abruptly as started to feel ill. Think all the anxiety and tiredness are catching up on me. Get home and snooze for 2 hours!

Speak to my two cousin s 'C' and 'E' on skype. Good to see them both and they were live when I get the good news. Also skyped my brother again. We discuss who should play him in the movie. He would like Chandler Bing as he is funny or Will Ferrell! Surprised he hasn't gone for someone better looking but he has opted for GSOH! His girlfriend will not agree with this. In Spain this summer she described him as "the least funny person she knew"! It was hilarious – in fact she said my mum was funnier! Tom was gutted!

Matt, mum and I head out to the golf club for dinner to celebrate. They have a lovely menu with lots of Thai and Indian food. Decide best to avoid spice in public so opt for the lamb shank and mash! Pudding had to be skipped as after eating felt like a poo! Had to spend the next 10 minutes in the toilet playing a game of 'is it, isn't it' going to come so we decide to go home! Well at least I'm a cheap dinner date at the moment!

Best friend 'S' skyped. She didn’t realize the blog had been updated so she is 5 days behind! I am rubbish with computers and would be the same if I was trying to follow someone else! How great is skype though? You can literally sit on your couch and have a cup of tea with friends and family thousands of miles away!

So I mentioned Matt's neck pain in yesterday's blog, well it worsened as the evening went on! The performance! I have to go in to say goodnight to him as he can't make it into the spare room to see me! (Back in the spare room so I don't disturb Matt on school nights!) Mum is running around getting him pain killers and I think everyone has forgotten that I have CANCER!!! In the end, to keep him quiet I check it out- he has a muscle trigger point. Now, I don't have the strength (surprisingly!) to massage or treat this trigger point so I show mum where to press and she gets stuck in with her elbow! She is gritting her teeth and I haven't seen her have so much fun as Matt is screaming! That will teach him to moan!

Looking forward to this week. No hospital visits until next Monday! Yay!


  1. Brilliant, Brilliant news! Sending lots of love,kisses and hugs From Auntie, Joe and The Campbell's. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Great news Laura! :) FYI if people want to be alerted when there is a new post on the blog, go to All the best for the recovery, c u at the wedding. Nick &Hels x
