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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 13- Wednesday

13, unlucky for some but one of my lucky numbers. Hope this bodes well for the staple removal.

Well my tummy did not like the 'grape' champagne- must be all the bubbles. Up twice in the night to do a poo! Poor mum!

Have a great story for today. One I have been saving the whole time as I have been gaining evidence! We moved into our new villa in July. Since August we have had some spiritual encounters. Now, those of you that know me well, know I believe in spirits, angels etc. In fact me and mum sometimes went to a Spiritalist church back in England to hear the readings. I have had numerous readings over the years- most of them rubbish (told at 18 I would die in a red car so have not been in one since!), and one good reading from a medium that was communicating with my grandmother. Yeah right I hear all you skeptics say! But now I have the proof! Cousin C will be so excited by this story!

Dogs are meant to be more aware of spirits than humans and Malika is no exception. Malika is the greediest dog I have ever known and she would jump out of a window for food. However, one morning I threw some treats in her bowl, she ran over and then suddenly stopped. She was petrified. Dashing to the bowl, looking around and backing off. This went on until I moved her bowl to the other side of the kitchen and she ate with no worries. She had acted like someone or something was over her bowl and she was too scared to reach the bowl to eat. I didn’t think too much about it until a few days later she did the same thing. This time I had thrown her the end of the carrot as I was making dinner. It landed on the floor by the fridge and same thing. Crawling up to the fridge, eyes darting, backing off, trying again. I told Matt and he laughed it off- he is a non-believer. In fact, I took him to see John Edward, one of America's top mediums, in London. The show was amazing. Matt however thought the whole show was staged and all the readings had been 'placed'.

About a week later and I am in the kitchen and Malika runs in like a mad thing. She sits with her back to me but touching my leg not letting me out of the corner of the kitchen. Again she is looking around like she can see things I can't. This happens twice more that day and she spends time trying to hide under the sofa. At one stage, in a panic, she took herself to sit upstairs alone. She never does this. She is a needy rescue dog who likes to be glued to your side. Again I mention it to Matt- "maybe it was a fly" was his answer !?!

I have had two 'spirit' encounters both from my paternal grandfather. My granddad loved purple grapes, his favourite fruit. On the day of his funeral, one where I was doing a speech (OBVIOUSLY!), I decided to walk down the road to practice whilst flowers were being put in the hearse. I was upset and anxious and the next minute a cat runs out in front of me dragging a bag. From this bag rolls purple grapes into my path! Now come on! Even you none believers must admit this is strange! When do cats drag bags, and how many grapes have you had roll out of rubbish!!!

The second time was years later when my grandmother was dying in hospital. We had been called and told she may not survive the night so mum drove me to the hospital to say goodbye. As I am sitting alone in the darkened room speaking to my grandmother I felt a heavy hand press down on my right shoulder. Now my granddad was always heavy handed! I'm sure he meant to reassure me he was there waiting for his wife but I have never been more scared. I did not look round as I knew 100% he would have been standing there. Instead I ran out crying. I was so distressed mum had to stop on the A3 on the way home to calm me down.

So a few more days go by without any 'activity'. Then I come home from work one night and Matt mentions casually that he can feel some spirit activity and he has asked them "to do something to the water if they are there". He won't elaborate and I am confused. What has happened for him to feel like this.

The next day the answer arrives. We have a stand up water cooler. One with the big bottle of water on top. We bought it with the villa and it works perfectly. When I say perfectly I mean we fill up smaller water bottles from it and put them in the fridge. Matt, since not working in the summer, has become a scrouge! We are not allowed to cool the water cooler when we are already paying for the fridge to also cool things! He has been driving me mad recently with his stingy ways! I would come home from work in August (50 degree heat) and he is sitting here with the air con off trying to save money!

Anyway back to the story. The next day our water cooler breaks- the whole thing has leaked and the floor is soaking. I can see Matt is surprised and slightly alarmed. I don't think he expected 'them' to answer him and I am so cross he asked them to do something to the water. Why didn't he just say "leave a cupboard door open if you are here"?! We play around for a few days with new water bottles etc but it is no good. Every time the bottle is on there it leaks all over the floor.

We can't work out why we have 'visitors' and why I am not getting any feelings- only Malika and Matt. I am a little bit jealous! I often 'speak' to my relatives that have passed and I like it when I get 'signs' they are around watching me. Well, we nowknow what they were saying …."get your wife to the hospital, she has cancer"!
Again I hear you cynics saying maybe the cooler just broke! But explain this?....since being home we have re-tried the water cooler- hence the delay in telling this story, and it works perfectly. No leakage, not even a drop!

So thank you my guardian angels for watching over me and trying to get our attention. Next time can you write a message- may understand you quicker that way!

Slight dilemma over what to wear today. Haven’t worn anything but PJs or hospital gown for 13 days! Need to find something hipster-ish as can't have anything touching the scar. Decide on skinny jeans that mum has brought over from England. They haven’t fitted me for 2-3 years and now they are hanging off my flat arse. I have been desperate to lose weight but now this looks horrible. All the weight has gone from my boobs, bum and just above my knees! Need to get strong so I can exercise to get some muscle tone back. Takes a while to choose the right top as they are all swamping me and making me look like the cancer victim I am!

Put make-up on for the first time today and some perfume. Well, we have to look good for the lovely Dr S!

So anxious about my journey to the hospital. Concerned I may poo my knickers! When I need to go I have less than a minute to get there! Unable to hold and have no control. Sounds funny but may end up being reality. Consider taking some spare clothes just in case!

Been thinking of cast members for the Hollywood film again! Decided Matt will be played by Jude Law. Sexy but definitely balding! He seems happy with this!

Have more lovely flowers- 'smiley knee' bought some lovely tulips and 'E' a lovely new friend and neighbor bought an amazing bunch last night. Then this morning a gorgeous bunch arrives from my hairdresser. My hairdresser is great- I'm very fussy about my hair and was very concerned that when I came to Dubai I would have to fly home every 6 weeks for a trim! Mum answered the door to the delivery man naked in a towel! God she has a lot to learn about this country!

I have some lovely post-natal pilate patients and today 'Yummy mummy K' made me some soup and provided a bag of girly DVDs. So generous and thoughtful- I love my friends out here.

Just got back from the hospital. Saw the fertility expert, Dr S and Dr K the oncologist along with the lovely oncology nurse. Lots of information and this is suddenly very real. Feel slightly down and definitely burdened. Need to process all the facts and I will express my thoughts tomorrow.

A few dates for the diary- portacath being inserted on 28th Nov (opted for local anaesthetic with sedation) and chemo starts on 4th Dec. This means my second round will be on 18th Dec so hopefully feel OK for Christmas day. On a positive, I can now attend 'T''s leaving party next Thursday and therefore see all my work colleagues and I can make the rugby 7s!

Told Dr S about the blog and he was very keen to read and pass on to other patients. He also wants to be named as there is another surgeon Dr S and he doesn’t want him taking credit for the perfect scar. So, Dr Salti is the man who saved my life. If you ever need someone to remove part of your bowel he is the man for the job! Also, he wants to play himself in the movie as he studied Shakespear at College!

Oh, P.S. - didn’t poo my knickers and the staples coming out didn’t hurt!


  1. Thanks for making me laugh out loud on the train:-)
    Your blog is honest, funny and humbling. Keep it up - you are inspiring so many people.
    All the outpatient physio's at St Georges (some of whom you know) are keeping up with your story.
    We're all wishing you well.
    Linda xx

  2. Hi Laura
    It's been great reading your blog - I'm a physio too but retired now as I'm just 'a bit' older :-) I had the same diagnosis as you 3 years ago yesterday - stage 3 and spread to 6 lymph nodes. Had a ant resection followed by 6 months chemo.
    I think you're doing great -If you want to ask me anything feel free.
    BTW The Beating Bowel Cancer Forum is fantastic; there's lots of info on it that I've found really helpful.
    All the best
