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Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas tree

Day 22-Friday
Had a really good sleep last night- managed a whole 9 hours and in the marital bed! Woken by Malika barking at a bird on the balcony! Very annoying as once I got up she had taken herself back to bed and was snoozing again! Although very naughtily she was on the bed with her nanny which is not allowed! She is a sneaky face!

Standing taller this morning- probably after all the nagging last night! I can even stand flat against a wall- well almost, my chin is still sticking forward a bit! I do this a few times, thinking in my head "I'll show them!" when the wound starts to weep again. And from a different place this time. SEE, I told everyone there was a good reason to be hunched over! Anyway will continue to practice today.

I have also decided that as of today I'm going to go for a short walk every day. This is due to work colleague 'S' giving me a talking to! She has a point though- need to get my now flabby arse moving! 'S' bought me a lovely Lancome gift set, which I have used this morning, with anti-stress mosturising cream so hopefully will start to look my age again soon!

Colleague 'D' pops round with flowers- lovely English roses! And we have a good catch up. I love 'D' she has been a great colleague and an even better friend. She also brings with her a bag of gorgeous mushroom themed goodies from my dear patient Latifa. So I am now the proud owner of a Braccialini mushroom handbag, belt, purse and two keyrings! Thank you my lovely for your very thoughtful gifts. Latifa also gives me a DVD about the Gerson therapy- going to watch later.

Today is a very exciting day…..putting up the tree! I LOVE Christmas! I become an excited 5 year old every year! Family tradition is putting up the tree with a nice glass of wine and Christmas songs playing- so this is what we are doing! My first glass of wine since ER admission and god does it taste nice! Does it matter that it is only 4pm?! Hope you all agree the tree looks lovely. It should do anyway as I have spent over 150 pounds on decorations!!! Couldn't tell Matt at the time as he would have killed me but now the new "let's spend all our money" Matt doesn’t care! To get you all in the Christmas spirit ………

Speak to an old school friend 'A' in Australia. We have a good chat and it's nice to hear she is settling in. 'M' and 'E' pop in again to see how I'm doing. Trying to organize nights out around my chemo dates!

Have Indian take away for dinner. I only have a small portion in case it upsets my tummy. But then finish by eating 7 Quality Street chocolates! And I have already had 3 Ferrero Roches today!!! I am a Christmas pig and there is still 4 weeks to go! Finish the evening watching 'Love actually', well you always have to watch a Christmas film on the day you put up the tree!

Have a lovely email from my brother in law's girlfriend 'S'. Makes me think about things. Amazing how quickly your life can change. Makes you appreciate what you have more . Life is too short to hold grudges or bad feeling. Live each day to the full and surround yourself with people you love. If you are not happy, change things, don't wait for life to change around you.


  1. hi laura.....
    just caught up on your blog, i have to say it makes for fantastic reading, gonna sound cheesy - but it is inspirational - you make it seem like anyone can overcome it - its amazing!!

    was nice to speak to gappy earlier - maybe next time we can chat to you too..... he did say you were engrossed in love actually so i will let you off ( i love that film!)
    billy was looking at your pictures while i was reading - very confused as to why you were poorly but very impressed with your scars..... he was a little upset that you were poorly and said 'maybe i should give her a hug next time we see her and she will feel better' you gotta love kids!!
    anyways, keep writing so we can keep reading!!!

    lots a love, tanya - and the rest of the pikeys x x x

  2. Can't wait to come visit you again soon sweetie! Enjoy the roses :)

  3. Finally managed to catch up with your blog. Keep it coming, its as a blog should be its entertaining and inspirational, its also lovely to hear about your progress and life in Dubai. Hugh's outside at the moment getting the cars ready for winter....screen wash, clean windows, ice scrapers, de-icer, extra kit in the boot in case we get caught in the snow and can't get home, as in Hugh's case last year, the delights of living in the countryside now! Have just told him he's got to catch up with your blog, he'd know about the chemo drugs as making them up is part of his job.
    Lots of love, Jan & Hugh -x-
