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Friday, February 3, 2012

Surf Dubai Sunset Open

Day 92- Friday
Wake feeling slightly better so we decide to have a family outing to watch the surf open. Only takes about 2 hours to get myself ready with breaks in between each task! Finally at 1pm we make it out the door. It is really windy, perfect for the surf, and I have never seen the surf so rough in Dubai.
We stay for an hour or so and then leave to have lunch. Now my husband can sometimes be a moany old man. Today he has moaned about: too much sand in the air (we live in a desert!), it's too windy (needed for the competition!), the café is too scruffy (it's actually shabby chic!) and finally café is too cold (air conditioned- same point as the first!). Anyway mum and I enjoy lunch, but then we are not fussy these days with not leaving the house much!
On the way home we stop at the sports outlet mall. This will cheer Matt up as he needs new football boots and trainers. This place is a crowd pleaser! Seriously cheap! Matt gets what he wants, I buy a top and Holly buys weights and a hoola hoop! Which I then have to teach her and mum how to do. I am surprisingly good, albeit a bit slow! Wears me out after about 20 seconds though- still any exercise is good exercise.
Tonight mum is making Jamie Oliver's chicken tikka massala and korma- a feast. I even manage to help prepare a paste. Forgot how relaxing I find preparing food when you are not rushing just to have dinner after work.
Spend some time playing with the dogs. Well actually Malika who now loves to play fetch! She is literally becoming a puppy. She plays, she digs holes in the garden (although we think she is doing this to try and get Buddy in to trouble! This is now Malika's song-, steals tissues and bits of paper and bounds around when you call her! It is hilarious! Buddy on the other hand is picking up her bad habits- jumping to get to food and snarling at other dogs! And he is cheeky with the back chat. When you tell him off he moans and barks back at you before running away!
Buddy still has an upset tummy so looks like we will be going to the vets on Sunday. This house!

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