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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another embarrassing examination!

Day 115- Sunday

My day does not start well. I have to have a rectal examination with Dr K! This I blame on Matt. Poo talk coming up! For the last few weeks I have had a little bit of blood after I have passed a stool with some pain. It started after I was constipated so I thought maybe I had piles. Matt told me to mention it to Dr Khan in case it was a problem. I was not expecting him to check it! So embarrassed! Good news is it appears to just be a little cut with some irritation. So I need to sit in the bidet with some salt water. I knew there was a reason for bidets!

My bloods look better today including my liver function so this is good news. So chemo goes ahead as normal.

We are having a sand storm today so you can not see any of the sky scrapers or the Burj Khalifa. A bit Mission Impossible 4 if you saw it. There is actually a cyclone warning. This panics me, I have a fear of tornados and such things. So we phone Holly and tell her to keep the dogs inside. Don't want little Buddy flying away!

Holly has her job offer and now we are waiting for the negotiations to start. She is worried as she doesn’t like discussing money but it is vital over here, and they actually expect it.  

Mum has to head back to England to sign some papers to do with our place in Spain. We are thinking she will go when my two best friends are visiting at the end of March. (Can't wait!) She is soo excited to go home for a few days. Apparently she is heading straight to M&S for a ready meal!

Today's quote- ' Look towards the sun and shadows will fall behind you'.

1 comment:

  1. Ah-they've seen it all before :) good to know there's a point to the bidet after all!
    Can't wait either-the count down is on!!! xxx
