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Monday, February 27, 2012

Quiet day

Day 116-Monday

Not much going on today. Wake feeling nauseous but this passes after 2 more hours in bed! Catch up on 'one born every minute'- my favourite programme! Then have a 2 hour snooze, and I didn't even feel tired! Ate a large toblerone and then realized this contained over my daily allowance of fat! Won't be doing that again! Still diet doesn't start until Thursday.

Dr Salti rings to discuss colonoscopy dates. I decide to wait until middle of April once all my visitors have gone. He says that his brother in Chicago has had a quick look at the scans and he is happy for me to continue with chemo and be re-scanned in a few months. All positive so just hope Newcastle agree. No news yet.

Today's quote- 'what lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us'.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura,

    Was at "up and running" today and Ciara gave me your blog link. So happy to hear the positive news from last week. You are doing so well and reading your blog will be an inspiration to so many. Miss you at the clinic, you are amazing at your job and look forward to seeing you back although Ciara is doing a good job with my back problems - I will never get complacent with my pilates again!!! Take care and best wishes from Pam Weissen (very grateful patient!)
