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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Birthday girl

Day 99-Friday
So the dogs had a fight and Buddy ends up at the emergency vet. Dad was waiting to go home but the taxi number was engaged or not connecting. This was strange as normally you get through straight away. He was stroking Malika when the puppy came over and tried to bite her mouth. He does this all the time and normally Malika just snarls or growls and he stops. But not tonight. She attacks. She grabs his neck. Buddy is crying and yelping and luckily dad is close so can grab Malika and finally she releases him. He has cut his ear and is really scared. Thank god dad was there and hadn't gone back to his hotel otherwise Malika may have killed him. After all was calm I phoned to book dad a cab and it immediately went through. Very strange that it didn’t work before. Was it our spirit friends again making sure dad was here to stop the fight so Buddy wasn’t injured more? Who knows.
We manage to stop Buddy's ear bleeding but as soon as he itches it it starts to bleed again. We decide he needs to see the vet. So off we head for his third vets visit in 2 weeks. His vets is closed so we head to the oncall vets. Slightly apprehensive as I like and trust our vets and it feels a bit like taking you baby to a doctors you don't know. Anyway we get there and the vet is gorgeous! And Matt is the one to say he is 'wrap him up' gorgeous! When we were on holiday last year mum saw a good looking man and stated 'wrap him up, I'll take him home'! Since then this is our saying for good looking men!
He checks the cut and it is quite deep so Buddy needs to be sedated to have stitches. 20 minutes later we are leaving with a sleepy Buddy with a cone around his neck. He looks so cute. Malika is ashamed when we get home and tries to lick the cut. She is not my friend and I am not talking to her. We have to decide what to do. We don't want to return Buddy but we don't know if we can trust Malika. For now we are going to keep them separate when we are not in and keep a close eye on them the rest of the time.

So today we are celebrating my birthday.  I am wearing my new black dress that I bought with my Christmas money from Matt's family. Takes ages to do my hair to try and make it look normal. I use a hair mask to smooth the follicles, then a volumising mouse, then I dry it with a roller brush so it is bouffant style, then I straighten minimally to smooth and then I hairspray into place. The result is quite good and it looks like I have all my hair! Lot of effort though!
We head over to the yacht club for Brunch. Lovely setting on the terrace overlooking the marina. And the food is good. Starter selection of salads, seafood and sushi, then carvery or a mixture of lasagna, curry, fish for main course. Have two plates of starters as can't fit it all on one plate! Bit concerned that we don't see any puddings but then we discover the pudding room! Perfect! The restaurant also give me a chocolate birthday cake. Have a great time catching up with some friends and don't even miss the alcohol. Decided not to drink for the rest of chemo as when I had my bad cycle at the beginning of January I had drunk over Christmas and I think this didn’t help how I was feeling. The cocktails do look great though. Mum gets drunk and we decide she has lost all social skills with being locked away all the time!
We head home for a few hours so I can sleep and then head to the comedy. First comedian was average but the other two were good. Really enjoy the comedy on my good weeks. Ends up being a late night though- home at midnight!
Day 100- Saturday, My Birthday!
Wake feeling sad and I decide I want a cry. After all…
Cry because I am waking up 32 years old with cancer and chemo tomorrow. Just feels like a bad start to my next year. Really, really don’t want to have chemo tomorrow. Think it's because I have had a good few days and especially spending some time with friends yesterday, makes me feel sad that I am back in the house again this week. Want to just feel sorry for myself for a while. Dad's response to me is " It could be worse, at least you have legs"! This is true but it could also be a lot better!
Have some lovely presents and cards from family, friends and colleagues. I am very lucky. And thank you for all my lovely messages.
Head to work in a bad mood and feeling down. The good thing about work is I forget about my own problems so hopefully I will be more positive by the end of my shift. My patients buy me presents- all chocolate related! They know me too well. Just as well the diet doesn’t start until March!
By the time I get home I feel too tired to go out for dinner so we cancel and have take away instead. Fancy a nice Indian. Chocolate cake, courtesy of 'Smiley Knee', to finish.
Doing really well with my fundraising, nearly 4000 pounds with everyone's fundraising efforts and sponsorship! The pupils at Matt's school have raised 1000 pounds on top of that!  So proud of everyone and I know Beating bowel cancer will put the money to good use. If anyone else wants to donate the link is
My chemo player for tomorrow is Scott Parker from Tottenham.  Don't know him but Matt says he is good.  Apparently he doesn’t score many goals though so hopefully will be an alright cycle.  Number 6 tomorrow so I am half way! Has gone quickly in a way and if I can do the first half I can do the second half. Hopefully the second half will be easier mentally too.

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