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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snooze bug!

Day 117-Tuesday

Soo tired today. Need a snooze before going to the hospital to have pump disconnected and one after lunch. Still feel like I haven't slept! Still I know the fatigue will be getting worse as I head into the second half of cycles.

'E' brings round some lovely roses to cheer me up. Buddy doesn't like women coming into his house and makes a fool of himself barking and being scared. He is fine with men in the house, probably more nervous of them and scared to bark, and fine when he meets people out of the house. Need to get him to puppy training ASAP. Do not want a scaredy cat dog!

Watch Derren Brown 'Experiments' tonight and it teaches me a lot about positive thinking and changing your own luck. You need to recognise opportunities when they present themselves to you and see and believe in the best outcome from that opportunity. Need to take some of it on board.

Today's quote- ' When it rains look for rainbows. When it's dark look for stars'.

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