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Sunday, February 5, 2012

An English Sunday

Day 94- Sunday
Wake up early and get up with Buddy so mum can have a lie in. My plan is to have a snooze on the couch. Doesn't happen! It's 6.30 and he is wide awake and wanting to play! Every time I stop playing with him he barks. So I spend 2 hours bonding with my new baby! Glad when mum gets up because I can't take much more. The lounge is a mess- he has taken all the cushions off the couch, there is chewed up tissue all over the couch and he has eaten a pen, a belt, a towel and Holly's flip flop! But, under his mummy's proud eye, he has learnt to climb the stairs! He can't come down yet so yelps from the top to be carried!
Spend 7 hours (!) doing work today. In those hours I have a working lunch and only leave the sofa for toilet breaks! Probably shouldn't have taken that long but our computer is soo slow and kept freezing and every time I want to do something new on word I have to look up instructions online! Still these things need to be done when you only have about 4 productive work days a month!
Have my birthday all booked now. The day before is brunch at the Dubai Marine and Yacht Club overlooking the marina and then the comedy that night. And then on my actual birthday I am physio working (typical that my birthday should fall on a work day when I only work 2 days a month!) so just dinner out with the family that night.
Finally Buddy combats coming down the stairs and we all clap! Now he is like a toddler just going up and down because he can! Holly and I head over to the vets with him, stool sample in a bag! I had to collect the sample as I am now the expert! So into the garden I head with latex gloves and a towel tied over my mouth and nose, armed with a plastic spoon and Dettol spray! Highly disgusting and very smelly! Malika chewed the original 'proper' sample pot so I am scooping poo into one of my empty pill bottles! Anyway the vet is hoping he just has IBS but he is being tested for various parasites. We leave with medicine and special 'easy on the tummy' puppy food. Results should be in tomorrow and all being clear he should be better within a week.
Like an old school English Sunday in our house today, football on the TV and a roast! This always reminds me of Sundays growing up…      
Just missing the snow now!

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