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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Message from Grandad

Day 108- Sunday

So for those of you that don't know about my spiritual side, I believe in guardian angels, spirit guides and ones who have passed being with you still. Back in the UK mum and I used to go to a spiritualist church and have readings. Now I am not particularly religious but I believe my relatives that have passed look over me and guide and help me. Think back to the water cooler! It gives me a sense of wellbeing, calm and love to believe this and I suppose that is what religion is about. Something that you believe that helps you and guides you.

So this morning I head over to see a medium. Now she knows nothing about me and I am expecting her to pick up my illness straight away- this doesn't happen. But a lot of what she says makes sense and I leave feeling better. I will mention the main points, even though they are personal, as I know I have cousins back in the UK desperate to hear!

So the spirit who comes today is my maternal grandfather- the same guy who I believe is the robin in England and the Eurasian hoopoe who keeps waking me up in Dubai! She describes him perfectly- a short, friendly, family man who was hard working. He starts by wishing me a happy birthday! He tells her I am married and we will always stay together as we are the perfect match- I am strong and Matt is emotional! In fact he says Matt is very emotional! He doesn't mention my illness but his comments are: (I wrote them down exactly as she was speaking!)

·        I will have a good outcome by the end of the year

·        My sparkle is on its way back

·        I have lots of support around me at the moment, especially in Dubai, with people who truly love me

·        This is a busy year and next year will be less stressful

·        My life will become calmer- he said this a lot.

·        Told me to keep working part time as this is good to keep me calm

·        My job involves telling people what to do all day long (my patients would agree!)

·        Reading is good for me to keep me calm

·        When things are calmer we will save to buy a house

·        I need to drink more water (everyone tells me this)

·        I keep going on about my weight and I mustn't (cue to eat more chocolate?!)

·        I am concerned about reproductive problems but I shouldn't be. Everything will be Ok when things are calmer!(apparently my first positive pregnancy test will be in September and we will have a girl in Dubai with dark hair and then later a boy who will be good at football!)

·        We will be in Dubai for another 4 years (hopefully more!) Potentially a move to Scotland! The medium said that lots of spirits have been talking about Scotland recently and she is not sure what is going on there!

·        Our finances are slow at the moment but will be more balanced in the future

He  had messages for Tom, Holly, mum, dad and my nanny also. His final goodbye was to remember to keep smiling and to give my cousins a kiss from him.

So overall I think it was quite good. When I told mum about the reading she said granddad would never have spoken about the cancer as when my uncle had cancer my granddad didn’t like to talk about it. Hopefully the fact that it wasn’t mentioned means this is just a stage of my life and everything is going to work out fine. Now mum and Holly want to go!

Found out today that Matt's mum is running a 3km for Beating Bowel cancer. She did really well and managed to run the whole thing with a sprint finish! Well done Cathy! And over 250 pounds raised!

Finish off with shopping heaven in bag world with my family! My uncle treats me to the cream Chloe satchel bag I have wanted for months! Go to bed a very happy girl and consider taking the bag to bed as it is softer than a pillow!

1 comment:

  1. Just keep smiling. It's the answer to everything. Lots of love to you x
