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Monday, April 30, 2012

Boost in the bra department

Day 179- Monday

Today is the opening party for TKD! Mum and I are very excited for our afternoon out as mum hasn't been to the shop and there is a lovely shop in the same mall that sells bits Mum and I love- shabby chic!

Matt is still ill, not getting better, so I go with him to the doctors. Worse place for me to be, in a doctors waiting room, with my lowered immunity, but I sit still and don't touch anything! The doctor reports that the ulcers on Matt's tonsils have got worse and they want to do a blood test to rule out any nasty virus and he may need IV antibiotics later.

Well the performance of the blood test. I thought my brother was bad when he needed a cannula for the colonoscopy- sweat, near fainting and near vomiting for those that don't remember! By the way, when I skyped my brother last night he had another 'rash' on his arm he wanted me to look at! I tell you, the men in my family! They need to remember that I am the sick one! Anyway, back to Matt! Before the blood test he sent me across the road to get him something to eat as he thought he was going to faint. Fine, I come backed armed with sugar- a mountain dew and a mars bar. I try to calm him before the procedure (the nurse thinks he is mad!) but already he has gone yellow and sweaty. Eventually the blood is taken but only after I have to be strict telling him to calm down and the practice manager comes in to check if he needs to lie down as he doesn't look good!

Matt and I often comment that it is just as well I have the cancer and not him as he couldn't cope, and today was a fine example of that! There is no way he could manage with the big needle being stuck in his chest for 2 days, whilst a chemical so strong that it will burn your skin is administered by a nurse gowned head to toe so they aren't contaminated! Rant over, I'm brave, Matt isn't! In all seriousness though (religious thought coming up!) maybe only those that are strong enough to deal with an illness are given one? Just a thought.

With wife duty over, and my baby tucked up on the couch with a sandwich, mum and I head out for our day of fun! TKD looks lovely, all decorated with bunting and a café from the mall have donated the most gorgeous mini cup cakes and juices. Whilst mum gets measured I have my nails painted for free! For those of you on facebook, there is the most horrendous picture of me with the steroid moon face on full display! In the process of trying to get yummy mummy 'K' to remove it! Although I may get a copy and stick it on the fridge to stop me eating ever again! Yes, it is that bad! Not that anything seems to be stopping my eating at the moment! Mum and I have been on 'low GI' for this week. Now this is a sensible diet that stabilizes your blood sugars and you are allowed to eat loads of things. In fact I have printed us out a list- most fruits and veg, all 'brown/wholewheat' carbs, all meat fish and diary, and even chocolate. Plenty of things to keep us full. But somehow we have managed to cheat every day, with today being no exception! Being locked up for a week, when I finally make it out all I want to do is eat cake or muffins in a nice coffee shop! Today the mini cup cakes where so good I had to follow them up with a slice of chocolate cake! At least I didn't eat a two person portion like mum! Long story, but there was confusion over our order and they thought we wanted carrot cake big enough for us both to share. After joking about the size, and talks of bringing it home in a goodie bag, mum managed to polish it off! Oh well the diet can always start tomorrow!

Anyway, back to TKD, and I had a pleasant surprise in the bra department! Managed to leave with a smaller back size and bigger cup size! Have to boast (!) that I am now, according to Natalie the expert, a 30E!!! Can you believe it- sounds so impressive! Probably just made up of cake but who cares! Until I was 21 I was as flat as an ironing board so I still get excited by having boobs! So now if I can lose half a stone from my arms, tummy, bum and thighs and keep my boobs I will be looking good in time for my return to England. I fear that what will happen is, if I can ever get round to doing the diet, I will lose my chest only!

We spend the rest of the afternoon buying nail varnish- a set of pastel colours (yes, I am a sucker for 'sales' talk! Went in there for baby blue and came out with a set of 6 pastel colours as they were 'reduced'. Matt always winds me up about this. Once, years ago, we had a trial martial arts lesson. After the session, the marketing/sales genius told us "you are in luck because for March only you can buy a course of 6 for a reduced price in our special one-off March promotion". Well this sounded great to me and I was willing to sign up immediately, even though I had nearly died in the session, just to get the amazing March discount! Matt later pointed out that they would say that every month to fool idiots like me! Fooled I was! Nothing like getting a bargain, even if you don't need it!), and some pictures for frames I have for the lounge. All in all a great afternoon and we are out for hours.

On our return home, matt has heard from the doctors. He doesn’t have a virus, it is definitely bacterial and they want him to come straight in for IV antibiotics. Here we go again! I give him the 'be brave' pep talk on the way there and he does better. There are no tears, sweat or vomiting, just a little gasping and grimacing! He gets a teddy bear plaster for being a brave boy! Hopefully this extra strong dose of antibiotics works as he has been ill now for over a week.

Finish the evening with a lovely beef casserole- I think mum's best achievement yet, and 'The Voice'. Perfect end to a perfect day.

Today's quote- 'Don't count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count'. (This is going to be my new life plan!)

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