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Monday, April 16, 2012

The best day

Day 165- Monday

Have a busy day today. Lunch with yummy mummy 'J', coffee with a Uni friend who I haven't seen for about 8 years who is here on her Honeymoon and then dinner with yummy mummy 'K' and her husband!

I can't go back to sleep after Matt leaves so I get up and mum trims my hair. It hasn't really grown in the last few months but we are hoping that by removing the straggly ends it will look thicker! It only takes her 10 minutes to cut the lot! Then we try a henna hair treatment, some volumising hair spray and a bouffant style blow dry. The result- definitely thicker looking!

Have a lovely day. Have a great lunch and a good catch up with yummy mummy 'J'. She very naughtily buys me chocolates and tells me all the best places in Dubai Mall to buy cake! So nice to be normal and discuss other people's lives. Baby 'A' is gorgeous and a real boy. He has a naughty glint in his eye and a cheeky smile. I am lucky that I have such supportive lovely people around me in Dubai and I can't wait to be well so I can start socializing with them more.

Then pick up Matt and head to the Westin. I haven't seen 'L' since uni and I have never met her husband. Spend a lovely few hours sitting at the pool bar over looking the sea, having drinks and mocktails for me, talking about our lives. Really nice to get to know 'L' better and we arrange to meet up for a 'Red Rose' (the best curry in Surbiton, where I am from in the UK!) in August when we are home. Although I haven't spoken to 'L' in years she has been really supportive during my illness and it is just another example of how bad news makes you aware of great people around you.

Now we are off for our dinner date! Really has been the best day!

Today's quote-' Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore'.

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