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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Steroid moon face

Day 150- Sunday

Can you believe it is day 150 already! Time really does fly when you are having fun!!!

My phone changes time in the night and the alarm wakes us an hour early. Annoying! Decide to make use of the early start with a bath, facemask, body exfoliation and hair mask. Why I bother with any of these things I do not know. The facemask brings me out in a few spots, the body exfoliation makes my chest rash worse and the hair mask, although it softens my hair, just makes it look even limper! Add my steroid moon face, my untoned flabby tummy and you have a very pretty picture. But at least my nails are growing well!!! Through the whole chemo process my nails seem to be flourishing! Staying long and strong I think they are taking any goodness from the rest of my body!

Take Malika to the vets and her bandage is removed but she has to keep the cone on for another week. In fact she is given a bigger cone as she cleverly manages to lick her paw with the first cone. Whilst waiting to see the vet we meet Buddy's sister! She is identical to him just slightly fatter and shorter. She has been adopted by a family with kids and it is so nice to know she is happy. When I go to stroke her she does the snarly lip like Buddy used to so a family habit not one taught to him by naughty Malika after all!

Pop to Spinney's with Matt and again it tires me out. Come home to watch Avatar and I come over all sick. Have to rest on the couch for a few hours and doesn't bode well for our visitors.

I make dinner tonight for everyone-fajitas and nachos. Have to do the food prep sitting down but I manage it all on my own and it tastes good. Gives mum a break as she is still struggling with the shoulder. It is moving a little better and she has been able to do slightly more today but still not good. Her and Holly are off to their hotel apartment tomorrow ready to make space in our house.

The weather has cooled so I think a walk is called for and then bed with a magazine.

Today's quote- ' You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do'.

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