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Friday, April 20, 2012

Clothes shopping

Day 169- Friday

We had a lovely evening. The resort is amazing. They have loads of outdoor relaxation areas with cushions, swings and little water features. We started with drinks, Caribbean mocktail for me, on their roof top terrace listening to the live music. The sky is beautiful and it is so peaceful. I could stay in this bar forever. I realize that I appreciate quiet a lot more these days. I can switch off my mind a lot more and appreciate my surroundings. Sounds a bit cheesey but it's true. I used to be someone who had to have constant noise around them, always had the TV or radio on for background noise.

Dinner is lovely and Matt says it is the best naan bread he has ever had! After dinner we sit on a swing in one of the relaxation areas and just relax! Really nice to have the evening to ourselves and we keep cancer talk to the minimum.

It is things like tonight that I want to do more of when I am better. Nice little treats where we can relax and just enjoy being together.

Matt and I head to the mall to buy him some more day clothes. He ends up buying new shoes as well. Will keep this logged as I will need some new clothes once I have lost weight!

Mum, Holly and I watch 3D Titanic. Minimal 3D effect and therefore no real difference from the original. Bit of a waste of time and money really. Matt has gone out for a football brunch so I am going to head to bed to read and hope he is quiet when he comes in!

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