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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Walk, walk, walk!

Day 73- Sunday
Up early, we drop Matt to school and head to the hospital. I get lost (missed a turn off then had to drive 10 minutes out of the way before I could do a U-turn!) so we arrive 20 minutes late. Explain that I haven’t had a great two weeks to nurse 'N' and Dr 'K'. Nothing I have experienced is out of the ordinary and Dr 'K' emphasizes the importance of structure to every day and getting out for exercise every day.

We have breakfast waiting for my blood test results and I decide I have to stop playing the 'sick patient' role. I am going to make sure I put on clothes and not just PJs over the next week and do more walking even if it is only to the end of the road a couple of times a day. It is great that mum is here looking after me but it means I have to do nothing for myself. I have to take a bit more responsibility and control and force myself to do more. This is easier said than done so we will see what happens!

Portacath needle going in didn’t hurt at all today. My white cell count is better (within normal limits, just!) so less chance of infection which is good. Red blood count is about the same as last time and overall nothing wrong with my bloods that would have been adding to the fatigue. Nothing different to report in oncology. Manage to have a little sleep to waste some of the hours of just sitting here! Finish the latest Erica James book- it was very good, nice easy going story that managed to hold my attention. Now on to Melissa Hill. I am not one for intellectual reading, I like an easy book about real life, and obviously always with a happy ending! It drives my friends mad that I won't experiment with other genres but I like what I like!

My nail varnish has chipped already! Drives me mad it hasn’t even been on 24 hours yet. Chose turquoise glitter to help keep my spirits up this week. Sounds hideous but the glitter is only subtle!

During the last half an hour of chemo start to feel sick and have a hot flush. Feel like my face is burning but it is cool to touch. Vitals are checked and all is well so I just take an anti-nausea tablet. Bit disappointing that I am getting symptoms already.

Shaky and weak by the time I get home. Distract myself with TV and when Matt gets home I manage a walk around the block- this is more than I expected to manage with jelly legs! On our return I stir my juice ready to drink and both hands go into spasm. Really horrible and I can’t bend my fingers. Matt has to massage them to get them moving again. Also have to succumb to the tiredness and have a 30 minute snooze. Well I did do a walk, surely deserved!

Finish the evening with another walk- trying to be a goody two shoes! Manage half way round before I become dizzy so last part completed in the chair. Exhausted! Is 7.45 too early for bed?!

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