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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Battle number 5

Day 87- Sunday
So off we go again! Decide to follow road signs to the hospital this morning rather than going the way I know as I figure this would be quicker. Big mistake! Typical Dubai after the first road sign there are no more so I have to turn around and go back the way I know! What a waste of time!
Dr Salti pops along to see me. I have given him one of the Beating Bowel Cancer t-shirts- an appropriate message for him "Beating Bowel Cancer- Saving lives'. We discuss awareness and fundraising and he is keen to help me increase awareness. Maybe even with a radio interview!
Manage to sleep for an hour or so whilst chemo is going in so that wastes some time! Poor mum though just having to sit there on a hard chair! Although don't feel too sorry for her as she wakes me by unwrapping an ice-cream. Soo cruel when I can't have one!
The lady next to me is having her last chemo session today. She is excited and I can't wait for that to be me. Must be the best feeling. I'm sure that last cycle you barely notice your symptoms.
Get home and decide to do some work whilst I can still concentrate. Shaky hands are starting again now though and fingers have pins and needles. Not pleasant.  We have gone live on facebook so everyone check us out – The Knicker Drawers! Also have a good old gossip with yummy mummy 'K' and meet 'N' The Knicker Drawers' new employee-Welcome to Dubai!
Off for a walk now and then to bed……………….


  1. Keep going sweetie, been thinking of you all day today. Xo

  2. Hi Laura
    Been reading your blog for ages and really enjoy it.
    Just wanted to to wish you good luck in everything.
    Mimi (Liverpool)
