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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Day 70-Thursday
Wake feeling a bit better today- yay! Forgot to mention the other day (too busy being fatigued and depressed!) that Dr Salti phoned to see how I was doing. Can you believe that? You are lucky if the consultant turns up for your follow up consultation and doesn’t just send his registrar in the UK, let alone phone you when you are practically discharged from him to make sure you are doing well with treatment! I love this guy! In fact I love everyone at the American Hospital who is looking after me! Could not ask or wish for a better medical team. I feel very lucky and very well cared for.

Off to see 'T' my hairdresser today. Deciding whether to continue to grow out my fringe or have it cut back in. It is at the annoying half way out point at the moment. I ask what Matt thinks but I don't think he can tell the difference! In fact he wants me to grow it long. For 29 of my nearly 32 years my hair has been bob length or shorter. The time I did have long hair, at Uni, I did like it but I have really sticky out ears so it looks fine when it is down but I look really ugly with it tied up. Also had a disaster with hair extensions when I was 21. I went from the Posh Spice short hair cut to black hair down to my waist in 3 hours! When my granddad saw me he said "well you look like a witch"! Everybody else told me I looked great. It wasn’t until 4 months later when the extensions were pulling out my hair and I had to have them removed that everyone confessed they looked horrible! Anyway, decide to continue growing out the fringe for now.

'T' agrees that my hair is thinning but because I had a lot to start with it is not really noticeable. I seem to have a small section at the front on the right hand side that is thinning the most. This is not good. I don't just want to end up with one weird bald patch!

Manage to do a food shop today as well. Carrefour is a struggle at the best of times so I feel proud of myself. Mum buys me a juicer as an early birthday present. Plan to have a carrot, apple and ginger juice every day. 'T' has recommended this and it is similar to what The Gerson Therapy suggests. Try 2 apples and 2 plums when I get home and it is delicious. However, it takes 2 minutes to make the juice, 7 minutes to clean the machine and then only 1 minute to drink the small glass of juice that was produced! Still I couldn’t have eaten 2 apples and 2 plums in this time!

We are off to the comedy again tonight as we all enjoyed it so much last time. Hope this will perk me up for the rest of the weekend. Sunday is looming………..

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