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Monday, January 2, 2012

Van Persie

Day 60- Monday
Wake at 6.30 to take Matt to school before chemo. Tom and Holly's taxi phoned me at midnight last night to say it had arrived! I was so confused I thought he was calling from England! Found it difficult to get back to sleep properly after that. Arrive early for chemo. Only minimum pain with needle insertion into port today. Whilst we are waiting for the bloods to come back we head down to the restaurant for a cooked breakfast! I should not be eating this as I have put on 2kg over Christmas! So it looks like I am already struggling with resolutions 2, 3 and 5!

We bump into nurse 'C' and it is good to catch up with her. She is moving to a different hospital soon so I wanted to say goodbye.

Everyone is in good new year spirits in oncology. The Doctor I called when I had diarrhea checks that I am now OK. He says that he phoned Dr Khan to tell him I had called and Dr Khan said "I have just read her blog and she seems to be OK now"! So the blog is also a useful way for my medical team to know how I am doing without speaking to them!

Watch the start of Country Strong on my new DVD player. Get distracted my mum being nosy about what is happening to the woman next door to me.
Mum gets me a water and as I take a sip my throat goes tight. Yep mum has given me the forbidden cold water! Feels like I can't swallow and have something stuck in my throat. Glad I only took a small sip! Great God knows how long this will last now!

7 wees today! Start to feel shaky even before the chemo has finished. Starts with weak legs and now spread to my arms. Hoping I will be ok to drive home!
Stop off at work on my way home. Good to see some of the team and makes me realize how much I have missed work. So glad to be starting back on a very part time basis. Sounds like I will be busy too.

Starting to feel worse now. Really weak- hard to walk to the toilet. Hands are finding it hard to type. Time to relax and go with it now.

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