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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Chicago blues

Day 79- Saturday
We wake up early and write our pros and cons for getting a new dog. Matt decides he doesn’t really want one so we leave it at that. But then I see him having a sneaky look at the adoption page! We agree that we will take Malika to meet the puppies and see what happens. We are both a little nervous as Malika likes to put small dogs in her mouth, shake them and throw them! On the journey there Malika hides on mum. It is like she has a sixth sense that we are going back to the place we got her and she could just as easily be left again!

When we get there mum and Matt stay with Malika whilst I go and choose a puppy. I pick an adorable little black puppy with light brown eyebrows. All seems to be going well. Malika licks him then doesn’t seem too fussed. Then the puppy makes the ultimate mistake, it bites her tail. Malika hates anyone touching her tail and she growls a warning. This puppy is playful though and thinks it's great fun holding on. Game over, we can not have this puppy. Real shame as puppy was very cute and Matt loved him as he tried to eat Matt's shoe laces!

Next we try 'Falafel'. Beautiful little boy who is shy and submissive. K9 Friends think this puppy's personality may be better as he will take orders from Malika and not bother her too much. He is placed on the floor and instantly falls over! Looks like Bambi on ice! He crawls and shuffles along rather than walking! Malika again doesn’t seem too fussed initially and just ignores him. He shows off to her, rolling on his back and when she still won't pay him attention he starts to cry. Totally gorgeous with a sad little face and really soft ears! When he sniffs her tail she gives a growl and he immediately backs off! This is what Malika likes! She likes to be the alpha male and she likes everyone to be submissive around her! We spend nearly an hour in there and they seem to get on alright. Malika also lets him receive a treat once she has been given one herself. Our dog is a bit like me- bossy, dominant and in charge of the house! 'Falafel' is more like Matt- submissive for an easy life!

Long story short we decide we will take 'Falafel' on a trial basis to see how he gets on with Malika at home. As it is my birthday in February he is my birthday present and therefore I get to name him! Mum suggests 'Chemo' but don't want anything quite that obvious! I want to name him something to do with America in order to recognise the American Hospital as the place that saved my life. Dr Salti used to work in Chicago and Chicago was one of our favourite places in America so going down this line…… I decide on Buddy after the Blues artist Buddy Guy. Every evening in Chicago we went to Buddy Guy's Legends bar to listen to the blues. The bar was great and we loved it there. So tomorrow we pick up the new addition to our family, Buddy Guy Falafel Barrett! Soo excited!

In fact the excitement has taken it out of me and can't do anything else for the rest of the day. But it doesn’t matter because tomorrow I'm getting a puppy!

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