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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Golf widow

Day 75- Tuesday
Pump out! 4 down, 8 to go = 1/3 down!!! Slightly more tired and feel nauseous again when I have to go to the hospital. Sticking to my schedule though and so far this seems to be making a big difference. The test will come over the next 2-3 days when my symptoms normally worsen.

Beating Bowel Cancer are promoting their BE LOUD BE CLEAR 2012 campaign so please everyone have a look at the following link and make sure you know the symptoms of bowel cancer.
Don't be afraid to talk about poo and bleeding from the bottom with your friends and family. Bowel cancer is 90% treatable if caught early enough.

Nothing interesting happened today. Watched Michael McIntyre- always makes me laugh. He says everything that you think but would never say out loud!

Walks- 2.5, juice- 1 1/4 glasses, snooze- 1 hour 45, time with husband- minimal as he went to play golf instead!

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