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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Buddy comes home

Day 80- Sunday
Have a disturbed nights sleep- Matt has a cold so was tossing and turning all night and keep thinking about Buddy! Last night we bought him a bed, collar and lead (Blue but for Chelsea not Millwall! He is going to be my posh boy!), food bowl and a bag of toys! Already a spoilt dog!

When we arrive at K9 Friends he seems to recognise us. As soon as he is put on the floor he runs over to me and mum! Soo cute! Love him already. His history is sad. He was found on an Industrial estate with the rest of his litter and has never lived in a home. We discuss his vaccinations, feed and getting him neutered. The plan when we arrive home is to take Malika out for a quick walk then bring Buddy on the lead outside the house to wait for her.

Initially Buddy is really scared about being out of the shelter but within 5 minutes of being in the car he is fine, looking out the window and 'chatting' away! He is a talker, constantly telling us what he thinks! We get home with no 'accidents' or vomiting so he is good in cars.

Mum gets Malika on the lead and takes her out. Buddy and I have a little walk outside the front of the villa waiting for his big sister to arrive back. When he sees Malika he goes mad! Cries and runs over to her as fast as he can! Malika is wagging her tail and seems pleased to see me but not really fussed about him! Heartbreaking for the little chap!

The day is filled with playing, cuddling, a little bit of snarling and body blocking from Malika but generally a very happy garden loving little pooch! Buddy is a little scared when Matt gets home. Probably because Malika goes crazy and he is not that used to men. Most of the workers at K9 Friends are female so he hasn't met many men in his life. Not long before he is playing with his daddy though!

Accidents in the house- zero, poo in Malika's designated poo corner- 1 (such a clever boy!), walks- 1 long one copying whatever his big sis did, kisses-thousands!

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