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Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Birthday mum!

Day 88- Monday
Mum's birthday today. Happy Birthday! Not the best day as we haven't got her any presents. She is not sure wants she wants and with me not being well enough to go shopping on my own, she has to wait for her presents. She has been given the day off though! Holly is in charge of looking after me and cooking dinner. And we let mum go food shopping as a treat!
Buddy's diarrhea has returned so now we need to try and get a sample and take it to the vets. That's if he doesn't eat it all first. Yep as of today he likes to eat his poo! So now we need to keep a constant eye on him in the garden because if he isn't trying to dig a hole to Australia he is trying to eat his poo! We are waiting for Malika to tell him this is not what you do but I think she likes the fact his breath now smells and he is getting less cuddles! She did however tell him off this morning when he was running around the room whilst she was still trying to sleep. She jumped off the bed, herded him onto his bed and then sat by it so he couldn't move and had to go to sleep! I fear I am becoming one of those boring people that only talk about what their pets do but little else going on in my life!
On a positive I don't feel too bad today. A little tired and fatigued but really manageable. Have managed 3 walks and had 1 snooze. Pump out tomorrow and I think Holly is going to come with me to see what goes on. Started using a silicone gel on my scar today that Dr Salti gave me that is meant to reduce the colour and flatten the scar. I have taken a picture of the scar today and we can compare in a few weeks time. Fingers crossed it works as although it is healing well it is still quite purple-ish in colour.
Also need to get back onto a strict diet as I have put on 1kg in this last cycle- slowly creeping back up and I don't want to lose the only benefit of having cancer, a flat tummy! In fact Matt called my tummy 'cuddly' last night and you know that is never a good sign! I keep talking about doing a little bit of pilates each day to get the muscles going, but don't! It's weird when you are just bored at home, you are almost too bored to bother with anything at all. Also being stricter on just one bar of chocolate a day, which I have broken already today as I had a kit Kat Chunky and then a  brownie! Plus a big plate of stodgy creamy cheesy pasta that Holly made for dinner!
I have been having quite a lot of neuropathy in my finger tips even without touching cold things. Actually really painful when it happens and there is nothing you can do to stop or reduce it. Like a sharp prickling of the skin. But twitching of muscles and spasms has been much less, barely any at all so far.
Have only seen my husband for half an hour today as he went to golf after school, home for a quick dinner and then straight off to football training! The other day when I went shopping with mum and Holly I bought myself 2 tops in the sale which only came to 20 pounds which is the same price as this night golf Matt has found. As soon as I got in and showed him the tops he said "that's a round of golf for me!" I think he forgets I still have Christmas money to spend that his family gave me!
Today's song is mum's choice…………..

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