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Monday, March 26, 2012

A vet visit

Day 144- Monday

Wake up and I am not feeling too bad. The weather is really cool and overcast after a thunder storm last night. Have a walk with the dogs and manage a few small jobs around the house.

As the weather is cool we decide to head to the Polo club for lunch. Mum pushes me most of the way apart from the mad dash across the road!

Malika has to go to the vets as her paw is still sore. She has to have her claw frozen off. Poor Malika now has her paw wrapped up and is on antibiotics. She needs to have the bandage  changed on Thursday.

I hear back from the American Hospital and they want me to produce the written text for the patient handouts. Really good news and I will be busy compiling this for the next few weeks. Hopefully this will help a lot of future bowel cancer patients and their families.

Today's quote- ' Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'.


  1. What a great quote! Thinking of you

  2. Yay, you've got your inspirational quotes back on =)

    Good luck with your homework on the handouts!!!
