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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tablet taking

Day 145- Tuesday

Not much to report today. Get up and shower ready to go to the hospital for pump out. Loads of hair falls out again. 'Smiley knee' has kindly loaned us her driver to take me to the hospital again, so we arrive in luxury.

Trying to be better with taking my tablets. It has been taking me 5-10 minutes to psyche myself up before taking them. Not really sure why as I am good at taking tablets. Think it is just depressing taking so many even though I know they are there to help me.

Finally found a drink to make me drink more, lime cordial, and now Spinney's have run out. Typical! Trying white grape and apple instead but a bit sickly.

The weather is hot again so I only manage one walk once the sun has gone down. We have even needed the air con on quite a lot today. Still it is good weather for Matt's family and friends coming next week.

Malika is really struggling with her cone collar. She is hitting into everything and finding it difficult to rest her head down to sleep. She has also found a way to keep licking her foot so we have had to put a sock on her over the bandage! Buddy also keeps trying to pull the collar off for her!  

Today's quote- ' Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get'.

1 comment:

  1. If we find lime cordial, would you eat your tablets better?

