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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Naughty Malika

Day 124- Tuesday

Tom and Tash arrived today. Love having visitors on my good week. They dump off their stuff and head straight to the pool. When I get back in Malika is nowhere to be found. I sneak upstairs and find her lying on the spare bed surrounded by wrappers. She had broken into their hand luggage bag and eaten half a tube of Pringles, a packet of fingers, a twirl, a galaxy, a packet of wine gums and a bag of fizzy Haribo! If she is not sick tonight it is a miracle! She must feel awful!

My letter was in the paper today! Fame at last! Told Dr Salti that I may be being interviewed and he had a view points that he wanted me to mention! Thought they are useful points for everyone to see…..

1.  Do NOT assume that symptoms are just “hemorrhoids”

2.  Do NOT assume that bad things will happen ONLY to others

3.  Do NOT assume that colon cancer occurs only in OLDER people

4.  ANY intestinal BLEEDING needs to be checked by doctors, not through google!

5.  ANY CHANGE in bowel habits that persists MUST be investigated and checked by doctors

6.  DO NOT HESITATE to talk to doctors and make the doctor visit, despite privacy concerns and embarrassment issues when it comes to bowels

7.  Colon cancer is preventable through good diet habits and regular screening

8.  Colon cancer can be curable when detected early!

9.  Colon cancer may not be curable when detected in more advanced stages

10.  If something just does not feel right, it probably is not right! Better check it early than late


Have a family competition of Mario kart. Tash is terrible and it takes her 6 attempts to even finish a race!

Early night tonight as tomorrow we have a very special trip. We have been invited to a private viewing of Sheikh Hamdan's animal collection. We are being picked up at 6.30am. Very excited!

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