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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good news from 'R'

Day 131-Tuesday

Little bit more nauseous today- as usual for the pump disconnect. Mum has finished painting the spare room so all ready for our future guests.

Heard good news from 'R'. Her operation has gone well and she is truly an inspiration. Definitely puts my battle in perspective. Hopefully her journey is easier from here on in and she can spend a healthy life watching her son grow up.

Having to write an awkward email to my health insurance  company asking for more money. In fact I need another 10,000 pounds just to cover me to end of chemo and then scans. They must hate me! I hope they don't increase my premium by too much! Thank goodness I got myself the top cover.

Bit constipated today which always sends me into a bit of a panic. I have tried fruit and walking. Matt thinks caffeine is the answer so just had a tea and an earl grey. Hopefully works. Can't have fruit juice as too cold. May try some tummy massage later. Any other ideas people?


  1. Dates, psyllium husk and a castor oil pack. Soak a towel in castor oil and lay it over your belly, add a heatpack over the top and rest for an hour (heat pack will need reheating!). Wash off the oil when finished with a light massage in the direction of the colon (lower right, under the ribs, upper left and down). Should set you right!!

  2. eat some papaya and drink more water
    wish you speedy recovery you are an inspiration.

  3. Prunes and/or kiwi fruit will help - my mother has had constipation problems for years and swears by these 2 foods. Laura I love your blogs and just love your positivity, humour and honesty- we're all there with you!! xxx
