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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fat pig

Day 182- Thursday

Holly's apartment is lovely. Although mum and I got lost getting out of Marina Mall car park and ended up driving around in a circle. Took us 20 minutes from leaving the front door to go past the door again in our car! Not fun late at night when you are tired!

Today started well and has progressed into a horrible day.

Work was good and had a meeting about my return to work that went well. I got invited to an emirati wedding tomorrow night. Really excited and it is brilliant to be invited. I have a few dresses that should still fit that I will try on later.

Got home and took mum on the Visa run to Oman. When we got to the border their system was down so we had to wait 45 minutes. Lovely in 43 degree heat! Then we got two flat tyres! So had to stop at the first garage to get them changed only to be told that actually all four need to be changed. Great! So basically I worked this morning to pay for new tyres! We did have a laugh at the border coming back though. The policeman looked at mum's passport and asked if it was me. I said no it is her passport pointing to mum, and he looked at her then the photo and said "Oh you look much younger in the picture!" It was only taken 3 years ago! She blames me and cancer for aging her!

Stop for Indian on the way home at the Mall near where I used to live. My favourite mall but it was packed tonight. Get home and Buddy has eaten my new flip flops I bought yesterday and smashed a picture that was going up on the lounge wall!

Find the wedding dresses I can wear in the wardrobe and I have about 6 to choose from. Then I try them on………….not one of them fits me, even the bigger ones! And they don't just not fit me, mum can't do them up by about 2 inches! I am absolutely disgusted with myself. I knew I had put on weight, being a couch potato will do that to you, but I didn't realize the situation was this bad. When I get my life back in a few weeks I am going to have nothing to wear unless I sort myself out. So as of tomorrow the diet really does START. No excuses and no cheating. Matt and I are staying in a hotel for the night in two weeks and I need to have lost enough weight so I actually have something to wear. Can't go to the wedding tomorrow, which I am upset about, but it is my own stupid fault. Refuse to buy a dress in a size bigger.

So tonight I am going to bed depressed and fat.

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